Glas Trösch has made low-carbon glass the standard

Olena Serdiuk June 14, 2024 at 9:53 PM

Glas Trösch Group, which includes the float glass manufacturer Euroglas, has announced the release of its entire product range with a reduced carbon footprint.

The updated Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) indicates that all Euroglas flat glass has nearly 20% lower CO2 emissions compared to the industry average. The carbon equivalent of standard 4mm EUROFLOAT float glass is 9.83 kg CO2eq/m2, which is 19.7% lower than the industry standard of 12.24 kg CO2eq/m2 set by the Bundesverband Flachglas.

This achievement was made possible through the use of cullet, renewable energy sources, and the implementation of energy-saving measures. The company also reports increased efficiency of melting furnaces and optimized transportation routes.

Low-carbon Euroglas float glass is now used in all Glas Trösch Group products.

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