Promotion finished
Attention stock! When buying windows WDS, anti-mosquito net or a set of care for windows as a gift!

Attention stock! When buying windows WDS, anti-mosquito net or a set of care for windows as a gift!

Terms of action:
- purchase of WDS windows from 3 units;
- purchase of entrance or interior doors (regardless of the number).
Having fulfilled these conditions, you are guaranteed to receive your gift - an anti-mosquito net or a window care kit!
The editorial opinion may differ from the opinion of the author.
+380 96 411 XX XX +380 96 411 8385
+380 96 411 XX XX +380 67 993 5235
Terms of the action No.19095: 20 February — 20 April 2018
Вікна, двері, балкони REHAU