Windows should fulfill a number of important functional requirements: to provide room illumination, airtightness, thermal insulation, waterproofness, UV resistance, vapor barrier on the side of the room and stability. The last statement is not possible without correct installation of the structure.
In the installed product, the window fasteners must ensure that the wind and operating loads are transferred to the construction structure. Different kinds of fasteners for windows are equally used by different manufacturers. Depending on the type of construction and the loads that the window will experience, bush dowels, mounting plates or anchors are used.
There is a special feature when fastening plastic windows dictated by the ability of PVC to expand when heated. Therefore, a plastic window is necessary and securely fixed, and the possibility of the construction to be allowed to expand linearly. In this situation, it is advisable to use mounting plates. Also mounting plates are used for mounting the siding in the decoration of balconies, because in no case can it be rigidly fixed. But the specified fixture for windows should not be used for mounting in openings where strong periodic gusts of wind. In this situation, it is advisable to attach the frame to the anchor. They rigidly fix the structure in the opening. But it is necessary to avoid constriction of the structure with anchors, because this can cause cracks or deformation of the profile.
As for the dowels, they take efforts to cut and bend, but they are not recommended for long-term heavy loads.
Mounting materials
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REHAU. Windows for modern life! The German concern REHAU has been manufacturing PVC window profiles since 1958. We are introducing technologies from ...Suppliers REHAU - 1 CompaniesDescription of core systems REHAU - 11 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles REHAU - 213 companies - UkraineNormaizol
Categories:Mounting materials- Branch office::
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Categories:Mounting materialsMiscellaneousООО "Теплый профиль" - это производство серии монтажных профилей для надежного утепления окон, дверей и раздвижных систем. Наше производство, ... - UkraineBASTET
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