
PVC windows

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Каталог компаний
  1. Kyiv
    Vikna EkspresPremium Company logo Vikna Ekspres
    Want to buy a plastic, wooden or aluminum window or glazed balcony? Windows and balconies from the ...
    Representative offices:
    Kyiv — Окна Киев
    Dnipro — Днепропетровск - Вікна Експрес
    Kharkiv — Окна Харьков
    Odesa — Окна Одесса
    Full list of representative offices — 50 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  2. Kyiv
    WELARUMOptim Company logo WELARUM
    Металлопластиковые окна REHAU по цене от производителя! WELARUM – Авторизованный Торговый ...
    Representative offices:
    Bila Tserkva — WELARUM
    Brovary — WELARUM
    Irpin — WELARUM
    Bucha — WELARUM
    Full list of representative offices — 20 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Roof windows
    Products WELARUM — 22 items
  3. Ternopil
    Viknar’offOptim Company logo Viknar’off
    The company Viknar’off is one of the largest manufacturer of metal-plastic constructions in ...
    Plastic windows
  4. Kyiv
    4 etazh, TMOptim Company logo 4 etazh, TM
    Sales and Installation of Windows, Balconies, and Doors Our company specializes in the sale and ...
    Representative offices:
    Irpin — Пластиковые окна Ирпень. - ТМ `4 этаж`.
    Boryspil — Пластиковые окна Борисполь. - ТМ `4 этаж`.
    Boiarka — Пластиковые окна Боярка. - ТМ `4 этаж`.
    Brovary — Пластиковые окна Бровары. - ТМ `4 этаж`
    Full list of representative offices — 20 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Products 4 etazh, TM — 30 items
  5. Kyiv
    Ukraina PlastProf Company logo Ukraina Plast
    The company has been actively engaged in glazing of residential buildings, apartments, cottages, ...
    Representative offices:
    Vyshhorod — Украина Пласт окна, балконы Вышгород
    Hlevakha — Окна и балконы Глеваха от `Украина Пласт`
    Bila Tserkva — Украина Пласт. Окна Белая Церковь.
    Obukhiv — Украина Пласт. Окна Обухов.
    Full list of representative offices — 10 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  6. Kyiv
    Balkon - DesignProf Company logo Balkon - Design
    ☎️ 067 251 09 05 Сompany "Balcony Design", part of the chain of companies IC "Comfort", has ...
    Representative offices:
    Brovary — Okna-Shop сеть Комфорт
    Irpin — Comfort-House
    Vyshneve — Comfort-House
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  7. Kyiv
    INTRUSTProf Company logo INTRUST
    Our company has been working since 1999. Main types of products: Metal-plastic windows and doors. ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products INTRUST — 1 item
  8. Mykolaiv
    OPENProf Company logo OPEN
    The company "OPEN" occupies strong positions on the window and door market of the city of Nikolaev ...
    Representative offices:
    Kyiv — OPEN - Балконы, двери, окна, фурнитура, жалюзи
    Lviv — OPEN - Балконы, двери, окна, фурнитура, жалюзи
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products OPEN — 19 items
  9. Kyiv
    Vіkna-Star, TMProf Company logo Vіkna-Star, TM
    High-quality plastic windows and balconies from the profiles of the German concern Veka, Winkhaus ...
    Representative offices:
    Brovary — Викна-Стар-Бровары
    Vyshhorod — Викна-Стар-Вышгород
    Vyshneve — Викна-Стар-Вишневое
    Bucha — Викна-Стар-Буча
    Full list of representative offices — 5 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  10. Kharkiv
    Dom.OknaStart Company logo Dom.Okna
    Компания "Дом.Окна" производит окна и двери из профилей компаний Salamander и Viknaland. Оказываем ...
    Plastic windows
  11. Zaporizhzhia
    SIRIUSStart Company logo SIRIUS
    In the manufacture of translucent structures, windows and doors from aluminum profiles, the ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products SIRIUS — 11 items
  12. Mykolaiv
    Steko, dylerStart Company logo Steko, dyler
    The firm "Steko Nikolaev" is a team of professionals who will help you to solve any questions of ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products Steko, dyler — 50 items
  13. Kyiv
    MODERN-2001Start Company logo MODERN-2001
    Good afternoon, dear Customer! For seventeen years of work in the Kyiv window market, our ...
    Plastic windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  14. Kyiv
    Konstrukt-ALStart Company logo Konstrukt-AL
    Работники нашей компании - это одна большая семья. Большинство сотрудников работает с нами с начала ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  15. Kyiv
    Рейзнер Є.О.
    ✅ Продаж та встановлення металопластикових вікон ✅ Виготовлення під замовлення ✅ Безкоштовний ...
    Plastic windows
  16. Kyiv
    Компанія ІНТЕР ФАСАД БУД професійно займається виробництвом та монтажем: - алюмінієвих конструкцій ...
    Plastic windows
  17. Kyiv
    WDT (Vikonno-Dverni Tekhnolohii)
    Plastic windows aluplast, Rehau, KBE, Kommerling, OSNOVA, glazing of balconies. Doors, office ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  18. Kostiantynivka
    The company "Master Plast" 11 years in the market of metal-plastic windows. We will install the ...
    Plastic windows
  19. Zaporizhzhia
    Dementyy V.N.
    Authorized partner of REHAU. Production of metal-plastic structures in Zaporozhye (Khortitsky ...
    Plastic windows
  20. Kyiv
    Viktoria-Group plus
    Производственный комплекс Торгового Дома "Viktoria-Group plus" ( ) ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
1 2 3 4 Next


When acquainting Ukrainian buyers with plastic windows, sellers initially focused on the appearance, design and ease of care. But the window market grew and developed. The current windows are a complex technological design with a set of characteristics that can be strengthened with the help of special equipment.

Advantages of modern metal-plastic windows:

  1. Appearance.
    High-quality PVC profiles Do not turn yellow under the influence of
    sunlight. Their color remains unchanged throughout the life span.
  2. Tightness.
    The correctly constructed and installed (!) Design does not shine. This phenomenon affected an important for the room process - natural ventilation. Previously, the supply of fresh air through the cracks between the frames and doors was normalized. Therefore, after installing the window unit in old houses, you need to periodically ventilate the room. To solve this problem, there are automatic valves and
    ventilators that provide airflow to the room with closed structures. Mechanically slit aeration creates fittings with a mode of microventilating or parallel shear.
  3. Easy maintenance.
    Care is reduced to the periodic wiping of the profile with a simple soap solution and traditional washing of the glasses. Also, it is recommended to look after seals (wipe with silicone grease) and regularly lubricate the accessories (a few drops of conventional engine oil 1-2 times a year). Some
    window salons offer special sets for this.
  4. Thermal insulation.
    Insulation performance indicators have become especially relevant after the growth of utility tariffs. Warm windows are chosen as the first step in warming a house or building to reduce heat loss and reduce utility costs. Thus, taking into account the average tariff for heat (effective from July 1, 2016), PVC windows with a five-chamber profile and a double-glazed double-glazed window (40 mm thick, two і-glasses,
    chambers filled with argon) for every 10m2 Glazing during the heating season can save around 1460 UAH, in comparison with conventional window blocks.
  5. Noise Isolation.
    Due to the sealing and double-glazing windows, modern windows isolate sound better than the Soviet carpentry. For some buyers, this figure may be important, for example, for housing near busy traffic junctions, train stations, etc. To increase sound insulation use special double-glazed windows with a
    greater thickness of glass.
  6. Long service life.
    Projected service life quality plastic structures - 30 years.


As mentioned above, the window block is a technological solution. The product is the summary of all components. Therefore recommends paying attention to the complete set of products.

The main parts:

  1. PVC profile, from which frames and sashes are made. For stiffening, steel reinforcement is placed inside
    the profile, with a wall thickness of at least 1.5 mm according to DSTU B В.2.6-15: 2011 "Window and door PVC blocks. General specifications. " Reinforcement should not be perforated.
  2. The fittings are responsible for the "work" of the structure and are mounted on the sash. Quality fittings withstand 20 000 opening cycles - this is almost 55 years of operation with daily opening. Much attention is paid to the versions of the burglar-proof accessories because products with standard
    hardware are subject to too rapid hacking. Sometimes the security issue is solved with the help of gratings, but modern products with anti-burglary fittings of special equipment and with double-glazed windows from tempered triplex are able to withstand the prepared cracker for sufficient time for the security service to arrive.
  3. Double-glazed windows - hermetic construction of glass and spacers , occupies about 80% of the area of ​​the structure. It is installed in the frame
    for the blind window unit and in the sash - for the opening window. It is the glass unit that basically meets the heat-insulating properties of the product. Therefore, the choice is recommended to start with the choice of double-glazed windows.

Such additional elements as: window sills, low tides, slopes and mosquito nets, curtains, blinds; relate to window accessories and expand the possibilities in providing comfort.

Why choose plastic (metal plastic)?

you compare plastic products and wood, then the tree loses in terms of thermal insulation. Also, the plastic does not swell from high humidity and does not shrink. It is not sensitive to the rotting process.

Aluminium windows are losing in terms of thermal conductivity.

Despite the aesthetic advantages of wooden windows and the structural strength of aluminium, because of the combination of a relatively low price and high thermal insulation properties.

These advantages allowed the plastic to gain a leading position in the world and Ukrainian window markets.

Where to find a company and order products?

In order to to buy and install windows you can use the It combines the largest selection of companies (more than 4500) and a set of search filters. Therefore, it is quite easy to find and choose a suitable manufacturer or a window shop.

Also, window vendors add data to the window calculator, which allows you to calculate the cost by size without making unnecessary calls immediately to dozens of companies. The calculation results range from low-cost to high-end products.

You can immediately buy plastic windows by sending an application. After that the representative of the company will contact and specify the details of the order and the price.

What happens after the company's choice and order?

Ukrainian window market - the market of individual products. To start the production process, it is necessary to obtain the sizes of the future blocks, therefore the customer usually arrives to the customer and conducts the measurement of the opening. After that, the data is sent for design to the designer or the manager who calculates. After confirmation, the order is transferred to production. With the help of a special program, parameters, equipment and material consumption are determined. The next stage is cutting profiles and reinforcement. After that, the profile with pre-inserted reinforcement is welded, seals, fittings and a double-glazed window pre-made on a glass packet line are installed.

The finished products are delivered to the customer, if necessary, old structures are dismantled, and new ones are installed.

The whole process usually takes up to 10 days, but in the season the time can increase. Platform