Only those buyers who bought energy-efficient Steko windows with a S600 six-chamber profile are taking part in the action.
with Double Silver Steko Multifunctional Glass
(these two conditions must be fulfilled together).
money for a trip to rest or for a romantic evening
+ 2000 hryvnas
+ 3000grn
+ 5000grn
+ 10000 hryvnas
as well as many other pleasant surprises
Promotion finished

Steko Company starts free driving all-ukrainian action "Make money for holiday".
The editorial opinion may differ from the opinion of the author.
+380 96 673 XX XX +380 96 673 7372 Mob.:
+380 96 673 XX XX +380 68 735 4521 Phone:
+380 96 673 XX XX +380 96 673 7372 - Hot line: +380 96 673 XX XX +380 96 673 7372
Terms of the action No.19579: 03 July — 03 August 2018