
The action "Bіlshe Drive, nіzh whether if" - the conditions for participants to win a trip

1. At the end of the action will be held draw of 5 trips to Europe with a visit to the plant SIEGENIA GRUPPE followed by a trip to Paris.
2. A prerequisite for a group of dealers who won a trip, is the presence of passport valid for at least September 2015.
3. Participants must have an official employment or the current state of emergency.
4. To obtain a visa must provide income certificate for the last 6 months of the State Tax Inspectorate.
5. All expenses for sending prizes, accommodation and meals for dealers to win a trip to Europe takes on representation of the company SIEGENIA, roundtrip flight paid by the client. The flight is operated by WizzAir, the estimated cost of the flight there and back from 2000 to 3000 UAH.
6. All questions of the prize pool, and the mechanics of the shares can be set by e-mail:

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