Country of origin of the brandRussia
+375 17 507 XX XX +375 17 507-69-99 Mob.:
+375 17 507 XX XX +375 29 109-09-19 Phone:
+375 17 507 XX XX +375 17 507-68-46 - Director: +375 17 507 XX XX +380 67 433 0009
- Sales department: +375 17 507 XX XX +380 67 993 7183
- Sales department: +375 17 507 XX XX +380 432 554 141
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The company is registered in OKNA.ua August 24, 2004
According to company registration more 20 years (20 years)
According to company registration more 20 years (20 years)
Find window Map okna.ua/en/montblanc

Link for mobile devices
Head office
п. Озерцо, ул. Центральная, 1в, Minsk, 223021The popularity of the company
135 position in the ranking of pages
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