Balconies turnkey Balconies turnkey

Balconies turnkey

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Double glazing
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Балконы под ключ
12 200 UAH
We work during the war
Шкаф на балкон
12 000 UAH
We work during the war
Балконы и лоджии
65 000 UAH
We work during the war
Балкон под ключ
3 500 UAH
We work during the war
6 680 UAH
We work during the war
900 UAH
We work during the war
Лоджия в квартиру
2 604 UAH
We work during the war
Балконы под ключ.
4 900 UAH
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Balconies on a turn-key basis - a full complex of work on creation, usually warmed, a balcony ready "to the use". Plus, all the work is done by specialists of one company. This also usually saves time.

Arrangement of a balcony or loggia on a turnkey basis covers a wide range of works and takes several days. All this is displayed on the price of glazing balconies. Quality equipment and equipment can not be cheap, because, by and large, an additional room is created in the apartment. It should be borne in mind that since 2011 the amendment to the Housing Code of Ukraine is in effect, which states that the area of ​​glazed balconies is counted taking into account the coefficient of 0.8, and the glazed loggias 1.0, in comparison with non-glazed versions of 0.33 and 0.5 respectively.

At the start of the work, it may be necessary to dismantle the old structure, then - to weld the new frame with or without removal, depending on the client's idea. Many companies strengthen existing railings. Next is glazing along the perimeter. After that, proceed to the outer and inner plating: plastic or wood, the design is pre-insulated by means of incombustible, heat resistant heaters.

The final touch will be the installation of lockers and drying for linen, a complete set of blinds. Although, perhaps, your ideas on this will not run out. Some companies carry out work even on equipping the balcony or loggia with lamps, switches and sockets. Platform