
Aluminium windows threechamber profile systems

Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing

Selected: 63 from 526
Profiles ALUTECH
ALUTECH ALT W72 HS Profiles.


Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 72 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

ALT W72 HS (hidden sash) window system is used for the production of panoramic and ribbon windows. Air tightness Class А Water tightness Class А (1100 Pa) Wind load resistance Class А Max sash weight up to 150 kg Max sash height up to 2 450 mm Max sash width up to 1 600 mm

Profiles RESCARA | ASAS Aluminyum A.S
RESCARA | ASAS Aluminyum A.S   Rescara RWT75 Profiles.

RESCARA | ASAS Aluminyum A.S - Rescara RWT75

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 75 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Application options: - window: inward opening, bottom hung, tilt and turn openning, vent for pvc accessories, tilt and slide, folding; - door: inward opening, outward openning, inward-outward openning coplanar,, tilt and turn openning, vent for pvc accessories, tilt and slide, folding. …

Profiles Reynaers Aluminium
Reynaers Aluminium CS 104 Profiles.

Reynaers Aluminium - CS 104

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 95 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

With the CS 104 window and door system, Reynaers achieves unparalleled insulation values for aluminium profiles in the building industry, introducing a solution for passive buildings. The high insulation levels, down to an Uf-value of 0.88 W/m²K, are achieved by the use of a patented insulation …

Profiles ETEM
ETEM E45 Profiles.

ETEM - E45

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 60 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Etem E45 - thermally insulated window and door system. It allows you to make: - Single and double doors opening to the inside and the outside, sliding; - Tilt and turn windows, - Balconies, - Angular design, - Windows and mnogostvorchatye constructions like "Patio". Profile is straight and …

Profiles ETEM
ETEM E68 Profiles.

ETEM - E68

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 68 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Windows and doors for both residential and commercial projects. Compatible with every ETEM curtain wall system. A heavy duty windows system with a range of energy conservation and performance options. The flat design ensures the system caters to most modern aesthetic concepts. A wide variety of …

Profiles ALUTECH
ALUTECH ALT W72 VS Profiles.


Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 72 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Profiles ALT W72 VS (ventilation sashes) are narrow swing doors with a width of 280 mm and a height of up to 3 m. The new solution is intended for the visual integration of ventilation zones into facades of buildings and walls in order to fit the profile of the facade. Ventilation sashes are …

Profiles ALUPROF S.A.
ALUPROF S.A. MB-79N SI Profiles.


Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 70 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Aluprof offers the MB-79N SI variant with enhanced thermal insulation, and with profiles that come equipped with insulating inserts and a two-component central seal. For external doors, Aluprof also offers the MB-79N SI+ variant that comes with a central seal and insulating inserts inside the …

PROFILCO PR74 Profiles.


Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 67 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Віконно-дверна профільна система з поліамідним термомостом PR74 виконана в простому сучасному дизайні. Профільна система дозволяє реалізувати весь спектр отворів. Видима частина алюмінієвої профільної системи PR74 в комбінації рами і стулки розташована в діапазоні 94-122 мм і глибиною 74 мм, що …

Profiles Talisman
Talisman TS65 Profiles.

Talisman - TS65

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 57 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

The TS65P system has the basic size of 57 mm for a frame and 65 mm for a shutter. The basis of system is made by the combined profiles consisting of two aluminum shapes connected among themselves by means of two thermoinserts from the polyamide reinforced by fiber glass. Thermobridge 27 mm For …

Profiles Aluminum profile
Aluminum profile Алюминиевый профиль 70 мм, термомост 36 мм с пенополиуретаном Profiles.

Aluminum profile - Алюминиевый профиль 70 мм, термомост 36 мм с пенополиуретаном

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 70 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Типовой пример классической алюминиевой профильной системы с терморазрывом (термомостом) шириной 36 мм. Полость заполняется пенополиуретаном с высокими изолирующими свойствами. Если в установленных алюминиевых окнах не известен производитель и серия оконного профиля, для расчета теплопотерь …

Profiles Ponzio
Ponzio  Ponzio PE 78N Profiles.

Ponzio - Ponzio PE 78N

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 78 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Three-chamber system with “euro” standard groove and groove used in windows and balcony doors made of PVC or wooden profiles. It is dedicated for constructions with very high thermal requirements. The structural depth of profiles for frames is 78mm, for sashes 86mm. Thanks to multi chamber …

Profiles Ponzio
Ponzio  Ponzio PE 68 Profiles.

Ponzio - Ponzio PE 68

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 68 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

System description The three-chamber system for the windows with "euro" standard hardware groove and groove used in windows and balcony doors made of PVC or wood profiles. The depth of the frame is 68 mm and the depth of leaf is 76 mm. Due to wider, in comparison to the PE 60, 32 mm thermal …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 11500 Alutherm Super Plus Classic Profiles.

Alumil - M 11500 Alutherm Super Plus Classic

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 76 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Thermal systems for swing-vіdkidnih vіkon vhіdnih that group, sertifіkovana IFT Rosenheim. Osnovnі characteristics: • Basic Glibin Sistemi 76.5 mm • For Prop teploperedachі vіdnositsya to the Group 1.0 (DIN52619-3 - UR = 1,9 W / m2K). • System vklyuchaє a profіlі spetsіalnoї …

Profiles F. W. Brokelmann Aluminium
F. W. Brokelmann Aluminium RG75 Profiles.

F. W. Brokelmann Aluminium - RG75

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 75 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Whenever it comes to aesthetically sophisticated custom solutions in the architectural and residential building, at the forefront of aluminum. Series RG75 used by architects and builders in the implementation of strong and complex window and door solutions in the construction of residential, office …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M11000 Profiles.

Alumil - M11000

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 63 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Thermal systems for the "swing-out" windows and doors, certified by ift Rosenheim. Main characteristics: • Basic depth of 62.5 mm • In heat resistance refers to the Group 2.1 • Contains specially designed profiles for doors of all sizes, are ideal for use in private and public institutions, …