
Ремонт окон at Kyiv

Related product groups
Window Repair
Каталог компаний
  1. Kyiv
    SK KomfortOptim Company logo SK Komfort
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Installation of facades and conservatories
    Lamination, coating, bending of profiles
    Transportation services
    Equipment repair and maintenance
    Waste PVC, plastics, glass, recycling
    Installation of locks and doors

    Representative offices:
    Kyiv — «Тепловик»
    Kyiv — Окна Комфорт
    All Mission
    SK Comfort network provides a full range of repair and construction services. Our specialists will ...
  2. Kyiv
    Teplyi DimStart Company logo Teplyi Dim
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Installation of facades and conservatories
    Transportation services
    Tinting windows, strengthening glass
    Waste PVC, plastics, glass, recycling
    Installation of locks and doors
    Qualitatively, quickly, not expensive, we will prepare your windows for any period of the year. ...
  3. Kyiv
    RestorationStart Company logo Restoration
    Repair of windows
    Lamination, coating, bending of profiles
    Tinting windows, strengthening glass
    Installation of locks and doors
    Комплексная реставрация деревянных изделий: дверей, окон, мебели, лестниц, пианино позволяет не ...
  4. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    ViknaHelp сервіс вікон - компанія з багаторічним досвідом та практикою! Наші послуги: Сервіс ...
  5. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Installation of facades and conservatories
    Transportation services
    Tinting windows, strengthening glass
    Equipment repair and maintenance
    Installation of locks and doors
    Quickly, qualitatively and inexpensively we make repair and adjustment of any windows, doors and ...
    Price list Master - 10 items
  6. Kyiv
    Тепла Оселя
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Installation of facades and conservatories
    Transportation services
    Tinting windows, strengthening glass
    Waste PVC, plastics, glass, recycling
    Installation of locks and doors
    Оперативно, с гарантией выполняем ряд работ по ремонту и регулировке окон, дверей и ролет любых ...
  7. Kyiv
    Energy audit
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Ремонт вікон Київ, Харків Ремонт окон Киев, Харьков Регулировка Замена уплотнителя на окнах ...
  8. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Замена стеклопакетов Замена фурнитуры и уплотнителя Ремонт окон и дверей Ремонт роллет ...
  9. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Перечень услуг компании: - ремонт окон; - ремонт дверей; - ремонт светопрзрачных фасадов. ...
  10. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Доктор вікон предлагает такие услуги: - ремонт окно и дверей - регулировка окон и дверей - замена ...
  11. Kyiv
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    (063)608-46-46 Профессиональный ремонт окон в Киеве и области. Наши услуги - ремонт окон - замена ...
  12. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
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    Repair of windows
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    Если Вам потребовался ремонт оконных конструкций любого производителя - звоните нам без ...
  14. Kyiv
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    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Our company deals with the regulation, repair, installation of windows and doors. Sales and ...
  15. Kyiv
    Energy audit
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Lamination, coating, bending of profiles
    Installation of locks and doors
    We will solve all your problems with windows or balcony! Since 2003 in Kyiv and the region we ...
  16. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Insulation of facades
    Arrangement of slopes
    Waste PVC, plastics, glass, recycling
    Installation of locks and doors
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  18. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
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  19. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Installation of plastic windows
    Waste PVC, plastics, glass, recycling
    Installation of locks and doors
    Мы рады Вам предложить полный комплекс услуг, связанный с монтажом, обслуживанием и ремонтом ...
  20. Kyiv
    Repair of windows
    Виконуємо ремонт, регулювання, змащування, чистку та заміну фурнітури різних виробників. Заміну ...
1 2 3 4 Next

The main task of windows is to let the natural light into the room, although sellers in the salons talk about other characteristics: heat, sound or sun protection. They deteriorate during operation and then repair of windows becomes necessary.

Breakdown or reduction in the characteristics of the components determine the type of repair and complexity. It happens that only a complete replacement of the structure can rectify the situation. For example, if the profile is deformed, yellowed plastic, rotten wood or has cracks.

Types of repair

Consider what problems can occur during the operation of the window unit in Kiev apartments and possible corrections.


  • ► cosmetic manipulations with the profile,
  • ► adjustment or repair of accessories for plastic windows, wooden, aluminum and balcony doors,
  • ► replacement of seals, glass,
  • ► improvement of the installation seam or slope.

Shallow scratches on PVC, wooden, painted aluminum profiles are eliminated either by improvised or special tools that are included in the repair kit. Also, wooden frames, in contrast to metal-plastic ones, periodically require renovation of the paintwork.

Heavy opening / closing of the leaf, rust on the fittings indicates the need to adjust or replace it. If the leaf does not fit snugly against the frame, the problem may be in the fittings or with the seal. Also, replacement of the sealant is required if it has lost its elasticity, cracked, not solid (parts are missing).

Frequent breakage in translucent structures - handles. This is evidenced by a crunch, clicks, a difficult turn, etc. However, they are universal, suitable for all fittings and are available. The market presents different models and colors for repairing plastic windows, wooden or aluminum. Handles are changed not only as a result of breakage, but also for improving child safety - with locks.

Cracks, chips, scratches, "lenses" on the glass indicate the need for replacement. Change the glass unit also in the case when condensation forms in the middle of it. It indicates that the design has lost its integrity and its heat and sound insulation characteristics have deteriorated. When choosing a new double-glazed unit, it is better to stop at the "warm" version: with an energy-saving coating (i-glass) and a filled inert gas. Window stores in Kiev can offer not only a finished block, but also a separate glass unit. This, combined with the insulation, will increase the insulation of the premises and will save on utility payments.

If there is moisture on the slopes, and then the mold, it will require its insulation inside and outside or sealing cracks. It is possible that the dew point (the temperature when water vapor turns into water) for the wall is inside the room, then it will be necessary to reinstall the structure deeper inside. The problem with mold can be associated with inadequate ventilation. When installed hermetic design, eliminating natural ventilation through the cracks in the old carpentry, and did not periodically ventilate the premises for forced ventilation.

Sellers in the salons of Kiev pay attention that the correct care prolongs the life of windows. Often, with the sale of basic products, they are offered to buy or give special sets for the care of windows.

During the warranty period, Kiev companies can provide after-sales service: periodic visits to the facility by a master, for example, for adjusting plastic windows and lubricating mechanisms accessories.

Self-repair or refer to specialists?

Modern windows - a complex technical product, so we recommend that you contact a specialist for repairs. Although some of the work can be done on its own, for example, replace the seal on plastic windows if it is cracked or stuck.

Among the benefits of working with repair companies, distinguish:

  • ► ; Works are carried out by masters who perform them constantly, rather than every few years;
  • ► companies take on the purchase of components and additional materials that may be required for correction;
  • ► provide a guarantee on the work performed.

As an advantage of self-correction, they call saving money, but only for a service. Buy repair materials still have to.

Also, there are ambiguous situations where the assessment of a specialist is required. For example, when water falls inside during an oblique rain, the reason may be in clogged drainage holes. And to solve the problem it is enough to clean them. But the hitch can also be in the weak clamping of the sash against the frame, which in the winter months may cause ice to melt.

Finding a repair company

When buying new windows in Kiev, they often do not think about repairing them , although there is a direct relationship between them. Substandard windows break more often. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to quality components and not to put the price as the main criterion of choice. This applies to the selection of components for repair.

Kiev window vendors represent a guarantee for their products. But if the warranty has already expired or the breakdown happened due to the fault of the owner, you can use the catalog in the online edition to find the company. Filter by city allows you to choose companies for repair of plastic windows in Kiev or other localities. works since 1999 and has gathered companies in Ukraine that offer a full range of services. Platform