Talisman TS75

Talisman TS75

Window profile system TS75

Brand Talisman
Outer width of the frame 67 mm
Uf profile 2.8 W/Km²
Glass unit thickness 42 mm
Outer width of the frame 67 mm
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) 2.8 W/Km²
Number of chambers in the frame 3
Number of chambers in the sash 3
Max width of a glass unit 42 mm
No. of sealing circuits 3
Material aluminium profiles
Type of system design (AD, MD) MD
Turn constructions' fittings yes
Tilt and turn constructions' fittings yes
Turn balcony doors fittings yes
Tilt and turn balcony doors fittings yes
Fixed window light blocking 52 mm
Sash window light blocking 84 mm
Double-leaf sash window light blocking 48 mm
Transom window light blocking 76 mm
Transom bar + 2 sashes window light blocking 140 mm
Surface: painted yes
Surface: wood imitation yes
Burglary resistance EN V 1627, RC2 (WK2) yes
The TS75P system has the basic size of 67 mm for a frame and 75 mm for a shutter. The basis of system is made by the combined profiles consisting of two aluminum shapes connected among themselves by means of two thermoinserts from the polyamide reinforced by fiber glass. Thermobridge 34 mm.

For fastening of window locking accessories the TS75 system assumes two options:
- "a groove 16mm" - for the accessories applied in metalplastic and wooden constructions;
- "a groove 20mm" - the standard "eurogroove" applied in the majority of the aluminum constructions made in Europe and Asia.

As filling in designs of the TS75P series double-glazed windows, or a sandwich panel from 32 thick to 42mm can be used.

Profiles of which windows and stained-glass windows are made, can be painted by powder dyes according to GOST 9.410-88. Also profiles can have Anode covering 21 mkm.

The profiles included in the profile system

Mullions Talisman TS75

Profile systems Talisman