

Window profile system Vitral

Brand Vitral
Outer width of the frame 58 mm
Uf profile 1.6 W/Km²
Glass unit thickness 32 mm
Outer width of the frame 58 mm
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) 1.6 W/Km²
Thickness of outer wall 3 mm
Number of chambers in the frame 4
Number of chambers in the sash 4
Max width of a glass unit 32 mm
No. of sealing circuits 2
Material vinyl profiles
Type of system design (AD, MD) AD
Turn constructions' fittings yes
Tilt and turn constructions' fittings yes
Pivot constructions' fittings yes
Horizontal sliding constructions' fittings yes
Tilt and sliding horizontal constructions' fittings yes
Turn balcony doors fittings yes
Tilt and turn balcony doors fittings yes
Fixed window light blocking 63 mm
Sash window light blocking 113 mm
Double-leaf sash window light blocking 63 mm
Transom window light blocking 80 mm
Muntins dividing the glass unit yes
Surface: coextrusion yes
Surface: colorant in the material yes
Surface: lamination yes
Burglary resistance EN V 1627, RC1 (WK1) yes
The Ukrainian certificate yes
System Characteristics

- 4-chamber system.
- Osnovnі profіlі s koekstrudіrovannim uschіlnennyam.
- Tovschina visible contour 3.00 mm.
- Mozhlivіst pіdboru sklіnnya 4, 24 i 32 mm.
- Perekrittya ramie stulkoyu 8.00 mm.
- Nayavnіst in sistemі dodatkovih profіlіv.
- Nayavnіst sertifіkatіv vіdpovіdnostі i gіgієnіchnih visnovkіv.
- Glossy surface profіlyu.
- Mozhlivіst vigotovlennya vіkon whether yakih vidіv: vіdkidnі, swing-vіdkidnі - rozsuvnі, "bunching", etc. i

- Visoka shvidkіst vigotovlennya vіkon i doors for rakhunok zmenshennya tehnologіchnih operatsіy.
- Visoka Kutovojs stіykіst (RPPOs at the time when the grip of 400-450 kg on standard zrazok Kuta)
- Bagatokamernіst profіlyu.
- Accurate rozrahunok geometrії peretinu basically i dodatkovih profіlіv.
- Zastosuvannya pіdsilyuvacha s ribs zhorstkostі dodaє konstruktsії dodatkovu nadіynіst in protsesі ekspluatatsії.

Profile systems Vitral

Виробництво вікон Viknar`off