PVC profiles, vinyl profiles, fittings, equipment, glass, aluminum profiles for windows, doors, facades at Germany
Каталог компаний
- GermanyREHAU
Categories:ProfilesMounting materials- Branch office::
- Kyiv — REHAU Київ
- Dnipro — REHAU Днепр
- Lviv — REHAU Львів
- Odesa — REHAU Одеса
- All Mission
REHAU. Windows for modern life! The German concern REHAU has been manufacturing PVC window profiles since 1958. We are introducing technologies from ...Suppliers REHAU - 1 CompaniesDescription of core systems REHAU - 11 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles REHAU - 213 companies - GermanyGebhardt-Stahl GMBH
Categories:Reinforcing profilesВиробляємо якісний армуючий профіль для більшості профільних ПВХ-систем. З лютого 2010 року в Києві відкрито склад і постійно підтримується в ... - GermanySchuco International KG
Categories:ProfilesSCHUCO является европейским лидером в своей отрасли; на данный момент фирма представлена практически по всему миру. Наше предприятие является ...Suppliers Schuco International KG - 5 companiesWhere to order windows from profiles Schuco International KG - 171 Companies - GermanyVEKA
Categories:ProfilesVEKA’s wide-ranging programme of profile systems is designed to boost the sales success of our partner companies. The VEKA system range, which ...Suppliers VEKA - 5 companiesDescription of core systems VEKA - 15 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles VEKA - 156 companies - GermanyFUHR
Categories:FittingsAs an owner-managed company, FUHR stands for high-quality multi-point locking systems that provide reliable protection for your property and offer ...Suppliers FUHR - 25 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings FUHR - 210 companies - GermanyKFV
Categories:FittingsKFV Karl Fliether GmbH & Co. KG offers: - Hardware, fixing and safety equipment - Hardware for doors - Special hardware - Entry control systems - ...Suppliers KFV - 10 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings KFV - 26 companies - GermanySOLARLUX Aluminium Systeme GmbH
Categories:ProfilesКомпания Solarlux Aluminium Systeme GmbH считается лидером на рынке складывающихся стеклянных дверей и стеклянных элементов. Стеклянные двери пять ... - GermanySTADUR
Categories:Glass and fillingFounded in 1982, Stadur is today among the biggest and most innovative manufacturers of composite material items across Europe. This way, we have ...Suppliers STADUR - 7 companiesWhere to order windows from glass and fill STADUR - 94 companies - GermanyKLAES
Categories:SoftwareНаилучшие перспективы для оконщиков - профессионалов. Широкие возможности KLAES professional позволят вам полностью удовлетворить требования ваших ...Where to order windows from programs KLAES - 25 companies - GermanyKMW engineering
Categories:EquipmentАвтоматическое оборудование и заводское оснащение для производства окон и дверей из профиля ПВХ. Компания занимается разработкой и изготовлением ... - GermanyGEZE
Categories:FittingsGEZE is the world leader in the development and production of door technology (door closer), automatic systems for windows and doors, security ...Suppliers GEZE - 42 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings GEZE - 273 companies - GermanyURBAN Gmbh & Ko Maschinenbau KG
Categories:EquipmentOur company is a manufacturer of quality machines for the production of PVC and aluminum windows with production facilities in Germany. ...Suppliers URBAN Gmbh & Ko Maschinenbau KG - 2 companies - GermanyTECHNOFORM
Categories:Spacer profilesTechnoform Edge Bound Solution - первая компания, объединившая в инновационной дистанционной рамке два материала: сталь и полипропилен. Дистанционная ...Suppliers TECHNOFORM - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from spacer profiles TECHNOFORM - 5 companies - GermanyROTOX
Categories:EquipmentROTOX is full-range supplier for our customers in field of window, door and facade construction in PVC and aluminium. We deliver machines, systems, ...Suppliers ROTOX - 7 companiesWhere to order windows from equipment ROTOX - 49 companies - GermanySCHIRMER Maschinen GmbH
Categories:EquipmentSoftwareSchirmer Maschinen manufactures customised profile processing solutions possible. These solutions result in innovative concepts that our experienced ...Suppliers SCHIRMER Maschinen GmbH - 1 Companies - GermanyGEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH
Categories:ProfilesGEALAN is a well-known German manufacturer of high-quality plastic profile. Since 2015, the company is part of the VEKA group of companies. It ...Suppliers GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH - 9 companies - United KingdomEdgetech Europe GmbH
Categories:Spacer profilesOur flexible warm edge spacer bars are designed to help prevent heat loss, reduce costs, improve energy efficiency and eliminate mould causing ... - GermanyGU (G-U)
Categories:FittingsGretsсh-Unitas GmbH (Германия) предлагает широкий спектр продукции для производства окон и дверей, которая отвечает современным требованиям рынка. ...Suppliers GU (G-U) - 21 CompaniesWhere to order windows from fittings GU (G-U) - 470 companies - GermanyAdulo
Categories:SoftwareВсе в одном Версия Adulo GS является программным продуктом с помощью которого Вы получаете возможность конструирования и управления производством ...Suppliers Adulo - 1 CompaniesWhere to order windows from programs Adulo - 1 Companies - GermanyWEINIG AG VAYNYH
Categories:EquipmentОборудование для производства современных деревянных окон непосредственно от изготовителя. Строгально-фрезерные станки POWERMAT, обрабатывающие ...Suppliers WEINIG AG VAYNYH - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from equipment WEINIG AG VAYNYH - 15 companies
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