LTD Gretch-Unitas Ukraine
+3804453693 XX XX +38044 536-93-30/31/32/33 Mob.:
+3804453693 XX XX +380 67 509 1935 Phone:
+3804453693 XX XX +380 44 536 9334 - Sales department: +3804453693 XX XX +380 44 536 9332
- Corporate Division: +3804453693 XX XX +380 44 536 9331
Closed ⋅ Opens: Thu, 09:00
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The company is registered in OKNA.ua January 15, 2004
According to company registration more 20 years (21 year)
According to company registration more 20 years (21 year)
Company Activity0.4 from 10
State registration of the company
The company is registered in the state bodies (code 25412181).According to the company registration — 27 years.
Registration Date — March 31, 1998.
Revision date — June 25, 2024 (checked OKNA.ua).
Registration status at the time of inspection — acts.
Metro Zhytomyrska

Link for mobile devices
Head office
Києво-Святошинський р-н. м. Вишневе вул. Київська, 6-В. Корпус F., Kyiv, 08132Metro Zhytomyrska
Working hours:
Mon — Fri 9:00 AM‒12:00 PM
Mon — Fri 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
Mon — Fri 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
The popularity of the company
96 position in the ranking of pages
Total Views: 5 439