
PP Ynstrument-M

+380 67 504 XX XX +380 67 504 6449
+380 67 504 XX XX +380 67 504 6449
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PP Ynstrument-M

1. Mills for wood nasadnye for milling, four-sided and other machines.
  1.1. Mills for the manufacture of wooden euro-windows with a double-glazed window from a three-layer beam and an array on milling machines and corner centers.
  1.2. Mills for the manufacture of door leaf and door frame, door panels, door trim.
  1.3. Mills for the manufacture of window blocks of standard and type - Finnish window.
  1.4. Mills for the manufacture of casing doors and windows.
  1.5. The knife heads are cylindrical with replaceable knives. Aluminum knife heads are drums. Steel knife heads are drums.
  1.6. Mills for processing rectangular grooves, radii, fillets, half-bowls, staples, half-stems.
  1.7. Knife heads with replaceable knives with a set of profiles for the production of moldings.

2. Milling cutters for wood end (finger) for hand mills and CNC machine tools.
  2.1. Grooving straight fingers cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.2. Groove grooves for wood and plastic.
  2.3. Grooved V-shaped grooves for wood and plastic.
  2.4. Grooved structural milling cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.5. Molded cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.6. Edge straight cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.7. Edge milling cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.8. Edge rebate cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.9. Edge cone cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.10. Edge figured cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.11. Edge poluzernevye cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.12. Edge-shaped adjustable milling cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.13. Edge milling cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.14. Combined universal cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.15. Pazo-shipovye cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.16. Frame mills for wood and plastic.
  2.17. Figurine horizontal cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.18. Vertical cutters for wood and plastic.
  2.19. Sets of milling cutters for wood and plastic.

3. Fret saws for processing plastics.

4. Saw blades. Circular circular saws.
  4.1. Saw blades for domestic use for circular saws.
  4.2. Saw blades for cutting wood.
  4.3. Saw blades for cutting aluminum.
  4.4. Saw blades for cutting plastics.
  4.5. Saw blades for format-cutting machines (formaters).
  4.6. Saw blades for multi-saw machines (sawed mulch).

5. Straight planing knives, planing knives.

Delivery Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova and other countries.
Update: 8/11/2021
Registered: 5/21/2017
ID no: 40838
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Head office
пр-т П. Григоренко, 23, оф. 180, Kyiv, 118