PP Кода С.С.
+380 96 320 XX XX +380 96 320 5047 Mob.:
+380 96 320 XX XX +380 63 402 7488 Phone:
+380 96 320 XX XX +380 66 220 5261
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The company is registered in OKNA.ua February 9, 2019
According to company registration more 5 years (5 years)
According to company registration more 5 years (5 years)
Company Activity0.4 from 10
State registration of the company
The company is registered in the state bodies (code 3290919712).According to the company registration — 7 years.
Registration Date — September 24, 2018.
Revision date — January 10, 2020 (checked OKNA.ua).
Registration status at the time of inspection — acts.
Recommendations brands
Link for mobile devices
Head office
ул. Вишнёвая 3М (район вечернего рынка), Chornomorsk, 68001