News section "Facades"

Jun 23, 2023
In 2023, Aestech returns to the World Architecture Festival, one of the largest events in the world of architecture and development. Every year, the festival brings together architects, engineers, …
Company: Aestech, Author: Isaiev Oleksii

Jun 16, 2023
Aestech was founded in 2011 by several enthusiastic engineers and has become a powerful player in the Ukrainian market since 2015. By developing and implementing innovative engineering solutions …
Company: Aestech, Author: Isaiev Oleksii

Jun 7, 2023
Aestech has announced the launch of a new product — Aestech-LP lightweight wall panel. This is a ready-made self-supporting enclosing structure with a color scheme and texture. The light weight of …
Company: Aestech, Author: Aestech

Jun 1, 2023
Architects, developers, and designers can see samples of insulated glass units with higher stiffness and lightweight wall panels and choose the best solutions for their projects. Here, architects, …
Company: Aestech, Author: Aestech

May 9, 2023
AKS-BUD has implemented a project for the manufacture and installation of an all-glass partition made of tempered glass. All-glass partitions made of 10 mm tempered glass do not have vertical …
Company: AKS BUD, Author: Vadym Markovetskyi

Jul 2, 2018
PEC Group implemented a project in the field of internal structures, in which it does not have special preferences, but the task was rather difficult - in a very short time to protect the large DATA …
Company: PEC GROUP, Author: Leonid Lazebnikov

Apr 10, 2018
On April 4, the "SMART Plaza" shopingmall opened for visitors. A certain contribution to the creation of this complex was made by the team of PEC Group. Together with the company "Officebud" and the …
Company: PEC GROUP, Author: Leonid Lazebnikov