
Alumil aluminium onechamber profile systems with mounting width less 59 mm

Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing

Material of profiles:clean
Application of profiles:
Installation width:clean
Number of chambers in the frame:clean
Selected: 3 from 526
Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9800 Accordion Profiles.

Alumil - M 9800 Accordion

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 50 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

 Profіlіv system for door konstruktsіy, yakі "skladayutsya" (type "accordion"). Osoblivіst system in fact scho Won Got vіdnosno nevisoku tsіnu komplektuyuchih, zbirannya konstruktsії not potrebuє Vilik costs that Je hour Duzhe easy. Osnovnі characteristics: - Glibin stulki 50 mm - When …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9400 Softline Plus Profiles.

Alumil - M 9400 Softline Plus

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 59 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

M9400 consists one of the most completed opening systems which can serve a wide range of different needs with satisfied performances. Basic depth of system 45 mm Great diversity of designs regarding the windows and doors’ appearance Big variety of profiles which can be used according to the …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9300 Perfect Profiles.

Alumil - M 9300 Perfect

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 45 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

Profіlіv system for "tilt-and-vіdkidnih konstruktsіy." Got a base system Glibin 45 mm wide that vibіr rіshen constructively. Osnovnі characteristics: • Basic Glibin Sistemi 45mm • The system "ALUSEAL" zabezpechuє germetichnіst that vologostіykіst konstruktsії • Wide vibіr varіantіv design …