Alumil M 9300 Perfect
Window profile system M 9300 Perfect
Brand Alumil

Outer width of the frame | 45 mm | |
Uf profile | 7.8 W/Km² | |
Glass unit thickness | 32 mm |
Outer width of the frame | 45 mm |
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) | 7.8 W/Km² |
Thickness of outer wall | 1 mm |
Number of chambers in the frame | 1 |
Number of chambers in the sash | 1 |
Max width of a glass unit | 32 mm |
No. of sealing circuits | 2 |
Material | aluminium profiles |
Type of system design (AD, MD) | MD |
Turn constructions' fittings | yes |
Tilt and turn constructions' fittings | yes |
Turn balcony doors fittings | yes |
Tilt and turn balcony doors fittings | yes |
Fixed window light blocking | 50 mm |
Sash window light blocking | 92 mm |
Transom window light blocking | 68 mm |
Profіlіv system for "tilt-and-vіdkidnih konstruktsіy." Got a base system Glibin 45 mm wide that vibіr rіshen constructively.
Osnovnі characteristics:
• Basic Glibin Sistemi 45mm
• The system "ALUSEAL" zabezpechuє germetichnіst that vologostіykіst konstruktsії
• Wide vibіr varіantіv design profіlіv, yak for zovnіshnogo so i vnutrіshnogo viglyadu konstruktsії
• Spetsіalno rozroblenі profіlі for konstruktsіy scho іmіtuyut konstruktsії s tree
• Wide vibіr profіlіv scho priznachenі for "swing-vіdkidnih" konstruktsіy.
Performance specification PROFІLІV
Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725)
Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914;
Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm
Tovschina stіnki profіlya (mіn-max): 1,8 - 5,0 mm
Control of geometric parametrіv: DIN 17615 Compliant
Performance specification system
The base Glibin system: 45 mm
Zapovnennya: odne Sklo abo sklopaket od 10 to 32 mm
The maximum Wagga Sklyanov zapovnennya: 75 kg vikoristannі simple loops
130 kg vikoristannі posilenih
Uschіlnennya: System "ALUSEAL", s EPDM uschіlnyuvachami scho utvoryuyut three circuits. Class C (DIN 18055)
- Konstruktivnі osoblivostі, processes virobnitstva, that yakіst usіh profіlіv scho viroblyaє kompanії Alumil sertifіkovanі vіdpovіdno to the control system of Quality of ISO 9001.
- Process elektrostatichnogo pokrittya profіlіv sertifіkovany vіdpovіdnim sertifіkatom QUALICOAT is the GSB, scho poshiryuєtsya on usі Creek Alumil.
Osnovnі characteristics:
• Basic Glibin Sistemi 45mm
• The system "ALUSEAL" zabezpechuє germetichnіst that vologostіykіst konstruktsії
• Wide vibіr varіantіv design profіlіv, yak for zovnіshnogo so i vnutrіshnogo viglyadu konstruktsії
• Spetsіalno rozroblenі profіlі for konstruktsіy scho іmіtuyut konstruktsії s tree
• Wide vibіr profіlіv scho priznachenі for "swing-vіdkidnih" konstruktsіy.
Performance specification PROFІLІV
Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725)
Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914;
Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm
Tovschina stіnki profіlya (mіn-max): 1,8 - 5,0 mm
Control of geometric parametrіv: DIN 17615 Compliant
Performance specification system
The base Glibin system: 45 mm
Zapovnennya: odne Sklo abo sklopaket od 10 to 32 mm
The maximum Wagga Sklyanov zapovnennya: 75 kg vikoristannі simple loops
130 kg vikoristannі posilenih
Uschіlnennya: System "ALUSEAL", s EPDM uschіlnyuvachami scho utvoryuyut three circuits. Class C (DIN 18055)
- Konstruktivnі osoblivostі, processes virobnitstva, that yakіst usіh profіlіv scho viroblyaє kompanії Alumil sertifіkovanі vіdpovіdno to the control system of Quality of ISO 9001.
- Process elektrostatichnogo pokrittya profіlіv sertifіkovany vіdpovіdnim sertifіkatom QUALICOAT is the GSB, scho poshiryuєtsya on usі Creek Alumil.