Alumil M 9300 Perfect

Alumil M 9300 Perfect

Window profile system M 9300 Perfect

Brand Alumil
Outer width of the frame 45 mm
Uf profile 7.8 W/Km²
Glass unit thickness 32 mm
Outer width of the frame 45 mm
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) 7.8 W/Km²
Thickness of outer wall 1 mm
Number of chambers in the frame 1
Number of chambers in the sash 1
Max width of a glass unit 32 mm
No. of sealing circuits 2
Material aluminium profiles
Type of system design (AD, MD) MD
Turn constructions' fittings yes
Tilt and turn constructions' fittings yes
Turn balcony doors fittings yes
Tilt and turn balcony doors fittings yes
Fixed window light blocking 50 mm
Sash window light blocking 92 mm
Transom window light blocking 68 mm
Profіlіv system for "tilt-and-vіdkidnih konstruktsіy." Got a base system Glibin 45 mm wide that vibіr rіshen constructively.

Osnovnі characteristics:

• Basic Glibin Sistemi 45mm
• The system "ALUSEAL" zabezpechuє germetichnіst that vologostіykіst konstruktsії
• Wide vibіr varіantіv design profіlіv, yak for zovnіshnogo so i vnutrіshnogo viglyadu konstruktsії
• Spetsіalno rozroblenі profіlі for konstruktsіy scho іmіtuyut konstruktsії s tree
• Wide vibіr profіlіv scho priznachenі for "swing-vіdkidnih" konstruktsіy.

Performance specification PROFІLІV
Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725)
Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914;
Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm
Tovschina stіnki profіlya (mіn-max): 1,8 - 5,0 mm
Control of geometric parametrіv: DIN 17615 Compliant

Performance specification system
The base Glibin system: 45 mm
Zapovnennya: odne Sklo abo sklopaket od 10 to 32 mm
The maximum Wagga Sklyanov zapovnennya: 75 kg vikoristannі simple loops
130 kg vikoristannі posilenih
Uschіlnennya: System "ALUSEAL", s EPDM uschіlnyuvachami scho utvoryuyut three circuits. Class C (DIN 18055)

- Konstruktivnі osoblivostі, processes virobnitstva, that yakіst usіh profіlіv scho viroblyaє kompanії Alumil sertifіkovanі vіdpovіdno to the control system of Quality of ISO 9001.
- Process elektrostatichnogo pokrittya profіlіv sertifіkovany vіdpovіdnim sertifіkatom QUALICOAT is the GSB, scho poshiryuєtsya on usі Creek Alumil.

Profile systems Alumil

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