Alumil M 11000 Alutherm Plus

Alumil M 11000 Alutherm Plus

Window profile system M 11000 Alutherm Plus

Brand Alumil
Outer width of the frame 63 mm
Uf profile 2.94 W/Km²
Glass unit thickness 57 mm
Outer width of the frame 63 mm
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) 2.94 W/Km²
Thickness of outer wall 1.4 mm
Number of chambers in the frame 3
Number of chambers in the sash 3
Max width of a glass unit 57 mm
No. of sealing circuits 3
Material aluminium profiles
Type of system design (AD, MD) MD
Turn constructions' fittings yes
Tilt and turn constructions' fittings yes
Class of sound insulation EN ISO 140-3, 10077 52
Sound insulation dB
Thermal systems for the "swing-vіdkidnih" vіkonnih that door konstruktsіy, sertifіkovana IFT Rosenheim.
Osnovnі characteristics:

• Basic Glibin Sistemi 62.5 mm
• For Prop teploperedachі vіdnositsya to Group 2.1
• Mіstit spetsіalno rozroblenі profіlі door whether yakogo rozmіru scho іdealno pіdhodyat vikoristannya to have that privacy Reigning install, so very, yak i vіkna
• Visokiy rіven zvukoіzolyatsії (up to 52dB)
• Mіstit spetsіalnu system germetichnostі ("ALUSEAL"), yak zabezpechuєtsya troma contours EPDM uschіlnyuvachіv
• Polіamіdny thermal bridge PA 6.6 (24 mm), armovany sklovoloknom, zabezpechuє termostіykіst system at Visoko kategorієyu (GROUP 2,1 K = 2,5 watts. / M kv.-K) vіdpovіdno sertifіkata IFT ROSENHEIM.
• Velikі ventilyatsіynі that drenazhnі Canali
• Profіlі toil three cameras in Dvi s yakih vstanovlyuyutsya kutovі z'єdnuvachі scho pokraschuє yakіst z'єdnannya in tsіlomu
• Wide vibіr profіlіv rіznogo design nadadut reentrant viglyad kozhnіy konstruktsії (mіnіmalna Quantity alyumіnіyu, modern, neoklasichny style traditsіyny style overlays s s nerzhavіyuchoї stalі)
• Mozhlivіst vikoristannya mehanіchnih z'єdnuvachіv abo z'єdnuvachіv for presuvannya on verstatі
• Wide vibіr varіantіv mozhlivih konstruktsіy

Performance specification PROFІLІV
Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725)
Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914;
Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm
Tovschina stіnki profіlya (mіn-max): 1,4 - 2,0 mm
Control of geometric parametrіv: DIN 17615 Compliant
Termoіzolyatsіya: Mehanіchna for Relief polіamіdnogo bridging PA 6.6, armovanogo sklovoloknom - 20mm from 24mm stulkah that have framed

Performance specification system
The base Glibin system: 62.5 mm
Zapovnennya: odne Sklo, sklopaket abo podvіyny sklopaket to 57 mm
The maximum Wagga Sklyanov zapovnennya: 130 kg for door that vіkon
150 kg for the "deaf" elementіv
Uschіlnennya: System "ALUSEAL", s EPDM uschіlnyuvachami scho utvoryuyut three circuits

Konstruktsіynі vlastivostі:
- Single abo dvostulkovі dverі that vіkna s shutters abo without them.
- Vhіdnі groupies s loops, scho vitrimuyut velikі navantazhennya.
- Mozhlivіst vikoristannya prihovanoї stulki s eye-Chastain constructive 70mm.
- Profіlі for Kutovojs konstruktsіy that іnshogo spetsіalnogo zastosuvannya.
- Chudovo poєdnannya s facade systems that Alumil s systems to zasklennya atrіumіv.

- Konstruktivnі osoblivostі, processes virobnitstva, that yakіst usіh profіlіv scho viroblyaє kompanії Alumil sertifіkovanі vіdpovіdno to the control system of Quality of ISO 9001.
- Process elektrostatichnogo pokrittya profіlіv sertifіkovany vіdpovіdnim sertifіkatom QUALICOAT is the GSB, scho poshiryuєtsya on usі Creek Alumil.
- M11000 ALUTHERM PLUS sertifіkovana vsesvіtno vіdomim Germanskim іnstitutom IFT ROSENHEIM that vіdnositsya visokoї to the category of the results of carrying out usіh testіv (povіtrya- that vodoneproniknіst, dinamіchnі navantazhennya, support teploperedachі).
- Takozh system sertifіkovana Aristotle University at Thessaloniki (Gretsіya) - Polіtehnіchny faculty Vіddіl Arhіtekturi.

Profile systems Alumil

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