Alumil S 400 Premier Alutherm

Alumil S 400 Premier Alutherm

Sliding profile system S 400 Premier Alutherm

Brand Alumil
Outer width of the frame 45 mm
Uf profile 4.2 W/Km²
Glass unit thickness 32 mm
Outer width of the frame 45 mm
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) 4.2 W/Km²
Max width of a glass unit 32 mm
No. of sealing circuits 2
Material aluminium profiles
Sound insulation 31 dB
Thermal systems for rozsuvnih konstruktsіy s napravlyayuchimi s nerzhavіyuchoї stalі that Hi-Fin schіtochnogo uschіlnyuvacha. The base width of 45 mm stulki

Osnovnі characteristics:

- Glibin stulki 45 mm
- The support by teploperedachі vіdnositsya to the Group 2.3 (zgіdno DIN52619-3, UR = 4.0 W / m2K)
- Zvukoіzolyatsіya 35 dB
- Napravlyayuchі s nerzhavіyuchoї stalі spriyayut naykraschomu Kovzanu (koefіtsієnt Tertea blizky to zero)
- 32 mm rollers, scho s vigotovlenі polіamіdu
- Spetsіalna stulka, yak vikonana s Handles
- Relief for Uschіlnennya dvoh konturіv Hi-Fin membranes schіtochnih uschіlnyuvachіv
- Single abo bagato pozitsіyny castle.

Performance specification PROFІLІV
Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725)
Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914;
Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm
Tovschina stіnki profіlya (mіn-max): 1,5 - 1,8 mm
Control of geometric parametrіv: DIN 17615 Compliant
Termoіzolyatsіya: Mehanіchna for Relief polіamіdnogo bridging PA 6.6, armovanogo sklovoloknom - 18mm from 24mm stulkah that have framed

Performance specification system
Rozmіri peretinu stulki (ShirinaVisota): 38100 mm
Sliding: 32 mm teflonovі rollers, scho Kotyan on napravlyayuchih s narzhavіyuchoї stalі
Zapovnennya: Sklo abo sklopaket to 32 mm.
Wagga zapovnennya: 200 kg stulku
Uschіlnennya: Perimetrichne s EYAD rows of membranes schіtok Hi-Fin visokoї schіlnostі

Konstruktsіynі vlastivostі system:
- Zakrivannya stulok Je zv'yazanim (s abo without moskіtnoї sіtki)
- Varіativnіst constructively rіshen - konstruktsіya іz sklom, konstruktsіya іz sklom that shutters, konstruktsіya іz sklom. moskіtnoyu sіtkoyu that shutters

- Konstruktivnі osoblivostі, processes virobnitstva, that yakіst usіh profіlіv scho viroblyaє kompanії Alumil sertifіkovanі vіdpovіdno to the control system of Quality of ISO 9001.
- Process elektrostatichnogo pokrittya profіlіv sertifіkovany vіdpovіdnim sertifіkatom QUALICOAT is the GSB, scho poshiryuєtsya on usі Creek Alumil.


S 400 Deluxe Alutherm (фото) - 938.55K

Profile systems Alumil

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