Vitral fourchamber profile systems
Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing
Selected: 1 from 513
Vitral - Vitral Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4 System Characteristics - 4-chamber system. - Osnovnі profіlі s koekstrudіrovannim uschіlnennyam. - Tovschina visible contour 3.00 mm. - Mozhlivіst pіdboru sklіnnya 4, 24 i 32 mm. - Perekrittya ramie stulkoyu 8.00 mm. - Nayavnіst in sistemі dodatkovih profіlіv. - Nayavnіst sertifіkatіv … Technical characteristics Vitral |