LTD Tkachenko-Klymat
042502025 XX XX 042502025 Mob.:
042502025 XX XX +380 93 264 8370 Phone:
042502025 XX XX 042502025 - Sales department: 042502025 XX XX +380 93 264 8370
- Sales department: 042502025 XX XX +380 95 096 9565
- Sales department: 042502025 XX XX +380 68 106 7520
Closed ⋅ Opens: Mon, 09:00
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The company is registered in August 14, 2012
According to company registration more 10 years (12 years)
According to company registration more 10 years (12 years)
Company Activity0.4 from 10
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Link for mobile devices
Head office
ул. Громова 138/11, офис 11, Cherkasy, 18000Working hours:
г. Черкассы, ул. Громова 142/1, 0472-50-20-25
Mon — Fri 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
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