Salamander Industrie - Produkte GmbH Streamline

Salamander Industrie - Produkte GmbH Streamline

Window profile system Streamline

Brand Salamander Industrie - Produkte GmbH
Outer width of the frame 76 mm
Uf profile 1.2 W/Km²
Glass unit thickness 48 mm
Outer width of the frame 76 mm
U Factor of profile system (armoured if applied) 1.2 W/Km²
Thickness of outer wall 3 mm
Number of chambers in the frame 5
Number of chambers in the sash 5
Max width of a glass unit 48 mm
No. of sealing circuits 2
Material vinyl profiles
Type of system design (AD, MD) AD
Turn constructions' fittings yes
Tilt and turn constructions' fittings yes
Turn balcony doors fittings yes
Tilt and turn balcony doors fittings yes
Fixed window light blocking 68 mm
Sound insulation 47 dB
Burglary resistance EN V 1627, RC1 (WK1) yes
Burglary resistance EN V 1627, RC2 (WK2) yes
The Ukrainian certificate yes
5-chamber system "Streamline" due to the increased width of 76 mm mounting offers customers improved performance for thermal protection and noise insulation. Based as before on the flawless quality, the company SALAMANDER, taking into account development trends and the importance of the eastern market, making an unprecedented offer for the market of the CIS countries and the Baltic states 5-chamber system for the price of 3-chamber.

1.Montazhnaya width of 76mm;
2.Tolschina main outer wall sections of at least 3 mm, which provides a high strength weld;
3.Blagodarya presence in the catchment chamber inclined plane collector and 4mm shutter ensures rapid removal of rainwater and condensation from the rebate of the frame / sash, even with the shower, the water seeps through the dam is not a bead, even when the tilt position of the sash;
4.Metallicheskie amplifiers are not in contact with the walls of the amplifying chamber through a special projection on the walls of the amplifying chamber, which reduces heat loss on the amplifier and increases the thermal resistance of the profile;
5.Polukruglaya groove collector rebate in the frame / sash facilitates positioning of the cutter during milling of drainage grooves - less risk of damaging the camera reinforcement profile;
6.Usilivayuschie tides in the wall mounting frame in place fitting the loops allow to reach its highest levels of the tear strength of attachment;
7.Otstup axis mounting hardware in the casement is 13 mm from the edge of the frame, which allows the use of stronger locking strap;
8.Stoykost to strike at negative temperature: 10 out of 10 samples at -30 ° C without damage;
9.Odinakovoe reinforcement for the frame and sash, the use of a closed reinforcement in structures with high demands on statics.

Profile systems Salamander Industrie - Produkte GmbH