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- GermanyREHAU
Categories:ProfilesMounting materials- Branch office::
- Kyiv — REHAU Київ
- Dnipro — REHAU Днепр
- Lviv — REHAU Львів
- Odesa — REHAU Одеса
- All Mission
REHAU. Windows for modern life! The German concern REHAU has been manufacturing PVC window profiles since 1958. We are introducing technologies from ...Suppliers REHAU - 1 CompaniesDescription of core systems REHAU - 11 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles REHAU - 213 companies144 208 - AustriaMACO
Categories:FittingsMACO has three Austrian production locations and markets its hardware in more than 40 countries worldwide, with independent subsidiaries in 15 of ...Suppliers MACO - 7 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings MACO - 1238 companies141 177 - GermanyWINKHAUS
Categories:FittingsSoftware- Branch office::
- Hostomel — WINKHAUS Ukraine
- Odesa — г. Одесса
- Lviv — г. Львов
- Dnipro — г. Днепропетровск
- All Mission
Winkhaus has earned the confidence of customers with innovative products and competent service for over 160 years. Window manufacturers and vendors, ...Where to order windows from fittings WINKHAUS - 769 companies109 145 - UkraineFramex, TM
Categories:Profiles- Branch office::
- Berlin — Представительство
Бренд Framex зарегистрирован в Украине (сертификат №334245) и ЕС, Германия (сертификат №018523848). Профильные системы ТМ Framex из ПВХ и алюминия ...Suppliers Framex, TM - 3 companiesDescription of core systems Framex, TM - 32 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Framex, TM - 87 companies94 181 - GermanyVEKA
Categories:ProfilesVEKA’s wide-ranging programme of profile systems is designed to boost the sales success of our partner companies. The VEKA system range, which ...Suppliers VEKA - 5 companiesDescription of core systems VEKA - 15 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles VEKA - 156 companies93 123 - TurkeyKale Kilit
Categories:FittingsКале Индустри Холдинг – известный производитель дверных замков и цилиндров в Украине, Европе и в 102 странах мира. Kale производит фурнитуру для окон ...Suppliers Kale Kilit - 19 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings Kale Kilit - 47 companies84 98 - Germanyaluplast GmbHStart
Categories:Profilesaluplast GmbH is one of the leading system providers of uPVC windows, doors, roller shutters, and controlled domestic ventilation systems. The ...Suppliers aluplast GmbH - 14 companiesDescription of core systems aluplast GmbH - 20 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles aluplast GmbH - 324 companies72 112 - UkraineNormaizol
Categories:Mounting materials- Branch office::
- Kyiv — Нормаизол Киев
- Kharkiv — Нормаизол Харьков
- Odesa — Нормаизол Одесса
- Dnipro — Нормаизол Днепр
- All Mission
Приветствуем Вас на странице компании НОРМАИЗОЛ! 25 лет мы производим строительные изоляционные материалы для тепло-, гидро-, паро-, ...60 92 - UkraineWDS
Categories:ProfilesWDS profile systems are produced by MIROPLAST, one of the leaders in PVC profile system development and production in Ukraine. - High-speed ...Suppliers WDS - 17 companiesDescription of core systems WDS - 19 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles WDS - 776 companies60 76 - TurkeyVORNE
Categories:Fittings- Branch office::
- Stryi — ТОВ Профігруп Україна
- Kyiv — ДП Артек Україна
- Dnipro — ТОВ ТК СЕЛ
Door and window hardware "VORNE" is manufactured at a high-tech factory in Turkey and meets world standards. It is designed for installation on ...Suppliers VORNE - 4 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings VORNE - 715 companies46 82 - UkraineAXOR INDUSTRY
Categories:FittingsAXOR INDUSTRY is a fast-growing international company that went a long way from a distributor of hardware for PVC windows to a world-known ...Suppliers AXOR INDUSTRY - 8 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings AXOR INDUSTRY - 533 companies46 59 - Germanyillbruck
Categories:Mounting materialsНемецкая торговая марка illbruck – эксперт в изоляционных технологиях, предоставляющий комплексные системные решения для герметизации швов/стыков в ...Suppliers illbruck - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from fasteners illbruck - 24 companies46 68 - BulgariaPROFILINK
Categories:ProfilesООО „Профилинк” основано в 2004 году в городе Пловдив, Болгария. Фирма занимается производством трехкамерных, четырехкамерных, пятикамерных и ...Description of core systems PROFILINK - 4 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles PROFILINK - 6 companies43 71 - UkraineKMD FAСADE SOLUTIONS
Categories:Aluminium facades- Branch office::
- Odesa — Office in Odesa
- Uzhhorod — Office in Uzhgorod
- Kharkiv — Office in Kharkiv
We have been successfully developing and manufacturing modern facade systems since 2006. We believe that Ukrainian cities should have modern and ...37 66 - TurkeyASISTAL
Categories:ProfilesLLC "PROFINVEST" officially represents aluminum profile systems TM "ASISTAL" and TM "ALTEST" in Ukraine. Our company provides a wide range of ...29 41 - BelarusALUTECH
Categories:ProfilesГруппа компаний «Алютех» работает для вас уже более двадцати трех лет. Является одним из лидеров рынка роллетных систем и секционных ворот Западной и ...Suppliers ALUTECH - 6 companiesDescription of core systems ALUTECH - 14 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles ALUTECH - 253 companies23 24 - PolandPROCURAL (Ponzio Polska)
Categories:ProfilesКомпания PROCURAL (до 2024 року Ponzio Polska) является одним из крупнейших поставщиков систем алюминиевых профилей. Опыт, который, был приобретен ...21 29 - Belgiumdeceuninck
Categories:ProfilesThe Belgian company Deceuninck has been manufacturing polymer profile systems for about 40 years. Company Deceuninck has 32 production and ...Suppliers deceuninck - 9 companiesDescription of core systems deceuninck - 3 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles deceuninck - 102 companies21 26 - TurkeyWINTECH
Categories:ProfilesWINTECH is a world-famous name with a long history. The WINTECH brand is a part of the Turkish corporation ADO-Group, and is an in-house development ...Suppliers WINTECH - 17 companiesDescription of core systems WINTECH - 4 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles WINTECH - 186 companies18 25 - TurkeyVHS
Categories:FittingsVHS - производитель фурнитуры для оконных и дверных конструкций. VHS - это современное предприятие, постоянно совершенствующее технологии ...Suppliers VHS - 6 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings VHS - 132 companies17 25