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Каталог компаний
- Belgiumdeceuninck
Categories:ProfilesThe Belgian company Deceuninck has been manufacturing polymer profile systems for about 40 years. Company Deceuninck has 32 production and ...Suppliers deceuninck - 9 companiesDescription of core systems deceuninck - 3 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles deceuninck - 102 companies20 22 - UkraineRasKon (Raschet Konstruktsyy)
Categories:SoftwareКомпания ADGroup занимается разработкой программного обеспечение для расчета окон, дверей, перегородок, фасадов. Программный продукт `Расчет ...Suppliers RasKon (Raschet Konstruktsyy) - 4 companies19 27 - TurkeyWINTECH
Categories:ProfilesWINTECH is a world-famous name with a long history. The WINTECH brand is a part of the Turkish corporation ADO-Group, and is an in-house development ...Suppliers WINTECH - 17 companiesDescription of core systems WINTECH - 4 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles WINTECH - 186 companies18 27 - TurkeyOZCELIK MAKINE AS / OZMACHINE
Categories:EquipmentОснованная в 1980 году, компания “OZCELIK” начала свою деятельность с производства переносных портативных станков и впоследствии расширила спектр ...Suppliers OZCELIK MAKINE AS / OZMACHINE - 2 companies18 27 - TurkeyVHS
Categories:FittingsVHS - производитель фурнитуры для оконных и дверных конструкций. VHS - это современное предприятие, постоянно совершенствующее технологии ...Suppliers VHS - 6 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings VHS - 132 companies16 26 - TurkeyEndow
Categories:FittingsТурецкая компания «Энсан Калып» выпускает поворотно-откидные системы под собственной маркой Endow. Оконная и дверная фурнитура Endow включает ...Suppliers Endow - 1 CompaniesWhere to order windows from fittings Endow - 31 Companies15 16 - GermanyKÖMMERLING
Categories:ProfilesThe company that was founded by Karl Kömmerling in 1897, now constitutes a strong brand of profine and the products are delivered to around 50 ...Suppliers KÖMMERLING - 2 companiesDescription of core systems KÖMMERLING - 9 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles KÖMMERLING - 58 companies14 16 - GermanySIEGENIA GRUPPE
Categories:FittingsSIEGENIA GRUPPE is one of the leading manufacturers of fittings in the world. This company is famous throughout the world for the truly German ...Suppliers SIEGENIA GRUPPE - 6 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings SIEGENIA GRUPPE - 311 companies14 15 - BulgariaALTEST
Categories:ProfilesFittingsSealantsLLC "ProfInvest" is the official importer of aluminum profiles TM ALTEST produced in Bulgaria. Our profile systems are the perfect combination of ...Suppliers ALTEST - 6 companiesDescription of core systems ALTEST - 4 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles ALTEST - 48 companies14 14 - GermanyGEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH
Categories:ProfilesGEALAN is a well-known German manufacturer of high-quality plastic profile. Since 2015, the company is part of the VEKA group of companies. It ...Suppliers GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH - 9 companies13 17 - TurkeyACCADO
Categories:FittingsACCADO - window and door accessories of the middle class, which sets new standards in the market!Suppliers ACCADO - 1 CompaniesWhere to order windows from fittings ACCADO - 99 companies13 27 - GermanyRoto Frank Holding AG
Categories:FittingsRoto window and door technology is one of the world's leading manufacturers of window and door hardware. All over the world, Roto is synonymous with ...Suppliers Roto Frank Holding AG - 24 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings Roto Frank Holding AG - 928 companies13 13 - GermanyGU (G-U)
Categories:FittingsGretsсh-Unitas GmbH (Германия) предлагает широкий спектр продукции для производства окон и дверей, которая отвечает современным требованиям рынка. ...Suppliers GU (G-U) - 21 CompaniesWhere to order windows from fittings GU (G-U) - 470 companies12 12 - UkrainePoli
Categories:SealantsTM POLI - the leading Ukrainian manufacturer of seals since 2003. The assortment includes more than 300 types of seals and cords. We produce: - ...11 19 - UkraineVIKNALAND
Categories:ProfilesVIKNALAND - the first Ukrainian windows in Ukraine. The most important feature of the profile systems VIKNALAND - adaptation to the unstable ...Suppliers VIKNALAND - 5 companiesDescription of core systems VIKNALAND - 6 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles VIKNALAND - 98 companies11 13 - GreeceAlumil
Categories:ProfilesALUMIL is one of the most advanced companies globally in the design and production of architectural aluminum systems, owning state-of-the-art ...Suppliers Alumil - 4 companiesDescription of core systems Alumil - 24 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Alumil - 134 companies10 13 - GermanySchuco International KG
Categories:ProfilesSCHUCO является европейским лидером в своей отрасли; на данный момент фирма представлена практически по всему миру. Наше предприятие является ...Suppliers Schuco International KG - 5 companiesWhere to order windows from profiles Schuco International KG - 171 Companies10 11 - UkraineBASTET
Categories:Mounting materialsFor more than 25 years, our company has been represented on the Ukrainian window market. Since 2004, the company has launched its own production of ...Suppliers BASTET - 1 CompaniesWhere to order windows from fasteners BASTET - 5 companies10 15 - PolandAluron Sp. z o.o.
Categories:ProfilesALURON is guided in its activities by the ability to provide innovative solutions to our business partners: - profiles and accessories for wooden ...Suppliers Aluron Sp. z o.o. - 1 CompaniesWhere to order windows from profiles Aluron Sp. z o.o. - 4 companies9 10 - BulgariaViva-aluminium systems
Categories:ProfilesVIVA-ALUMINIUM.SYSTEMS (Болгария) производит алюминиевые профильные системы для теплых, холодных, слайдинговых и фасадных систем.Suppliers Viva-aluminium systems - 1 Companies9 17