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KÖMMERLINGThe company that was founded by Karl Kömmerling in 1897, now constitutes a strong brand of profine and the products are delivered to around 50 countries worldwide. In the area of PVC sheets, Kömmerling is one of the global leading brands. KÖMMERLING enjoys an excellent reputation for its high quality and advanced technologies and it set itself the goal of producing window and door profiles for premium demands. For this purpose, as well as the aesthetic aspects, it also includes technical and physical performance values and an extremely long durability requiring only a minimum of care and maintenance costs for windows and all other products. Kömmerling stands for unconditional quality and trust - with more than one hundred years experience. Kömmerling is the long-established brand of the profine Group and it looks back on a long success story. |

Koemmerling: практика инноваций

Kommerling: элегантные профили для современной архитектуры

Оконно-дверная система EuroFuturAVantgarde: опыт десятилетий — в современность
Профильные системы Kommerling

Системы и комплексный сервис компании Kommerling: оптимальные условия для конкурентоспособного бизнеса

Говорим Kommerling, подразумеваем качество
Participated in exhibitions
fensterbau/frontale 2024 19—22 March 2024 Nurnberg
Where to buy windows

Kyiv вул. Смілянська, 10А

Kyiv ул. Здолбуновская, 9Б

Нестеренко И.В.

Viktoria-Group plus
Kyiv вул. Борщагівська, 16

Kyiv Рейтарська 32 оф 6

WDT (Vikonno-Dverni Tekhnolohii)
Kyiv пр-т Берестейський, 59а (2 поверх)

Kyiv бул.Кольцова, 14-Е (вхід з вул.Покотило)

Kyiv пр Гагаріна 10/2

Kyiv вул. Новозабарська, 2/6
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Update: 11/09/2021
Registered: 8/04/2006
ID no: 452
Registered: 8/04/2006
ID no: 452
Company Reviews
Where to buy windows KÖMMERLING?
Find window Map okna.ua/en/koemmerling
Find window Map okna.ua/en/koemmerling

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Head office
В Україні: вул. Електрозаводська, 3, Запоріжжя, Україна, Zaporizhzhia, 69065The popularity of the company
34 position in the ranking of pages
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