PVC profiles, vinyl profiles, fittings, equipment, glass, aluminum profiles for windows, doors, facades at Ukraine
Каталог компаний
- TurkeyVORNE
Categories:Fittings- Branch office::
- Stryi — ТОВ Профігруп Україна
- Kyiv — ДП Артек Україна
- Dnipro — ТОВ ТК СЕЛ
Door and window hardware "VORNE" is manufactured at a high-tech factory in Turkey and meets world standards. It is designed for installation on ...Suppliers VORNE - 4 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings VORNE - 715 companies - GermanyWINKHAUS
Categories:FittingsSoftware- Branch office::
- Hostomel — WINKHAUS Ukraine
- Odesa — г. Одесса
- Lviv — г. Львов
- Dnipro — г. Днепропетровск
- All Mission
Winkhaus has earned the confidence of customers with innovative products and competent service for over 160 years. Window manufacturers and vendors, ...Where to order windows from fittings WINKHAUS - 769 companies - AustriaMACO
Categories:FittingsMACO has three Austrian production locations and markets its hardware in more than 40 countries worldwide, with independent subsidiaries in 15 of ...Suppliers MACO - 7 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings MACO - 1238 companies - UkraineFramex, TM
Categories:Profiles- Branch office::
- Berlin — Представительство
Бренд Framex зарегистрирован в Украине (сертификат №334245) и ЕС, Германия (сертификат №018523848). Профильные системы ТМ Framex из ПВХ и алюминия ...Suppliers Framex, TM - 3 companiesDescription of core systems Framex, TM - 32 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Framex, TM - 87 companies - GreeceAlumil
Categories:ProfilesALUMIL is one of the most advanced companies globally in the design and production of architectural aluminum systems, owning state-of-the-art ...Suppliers Alumil - 4 companiesDescription of core systems Alumil - 24 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Alumil - 134 companies - UkraineWise Service
Categories:EquipmentSoftwareSince 2006, customers order from us automation and optimization of window enterprises due to software products and their own developments in the ...Suppliers Wise Service - 1 Companies - UkraineNormaizol
Categories:Mounting materials- Branch office::
- Kyiv — Нормаизол Киев
- Kharkiv — Нормаизол Харьков
- Odesa — Нормаизол Одесса
- Dnipro — Нормаизол Днепр
- All Mission
Приветствуем Вас на странице компании НОРМАИЗОЛ! 25 лет мы производим строительные изоляционные материалы для тепло-, гидро-, паро-, ... - UkraineKMD FAСADE SOLUTIONS
Categories:Aluminium facades- Branch office::
- Odesa — Office in Odesa
- Uzhhorod — Office in Uzhgorod
- Kharkiv — Office in Kharkiv
We have been successfully developing and manufacturing modern facade systems since 2006. We believe that Ukrainian cities should have modern and ... - Germanyaluplast GmbHStart
Categories:Profilesaluplast GmbH is one of the leading system providers of uPVC windows, doors, roller shutters, and controlled domestic ventilation systems. The ...Suppliers aluplast GmbH - 14 companiesDescription of core systems aluplast GmbH - 20 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles aluplast GmbH - 324 companies - DenmarkVELUX
Categories:ProfilesThe VELUX Group has manufacturing and sales operations in more than 40 countries, with an extensive distribution network. Our products include roof ...Description of core systems VELUX - 2 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles VELUX - 37 companies - GermanySchuco International KG
Categories:FittingsSCHUCO is the European leader in its field; at the moment the company is represented almost all over the world. Our enterprise is a model in the ...Suppliers Schuco International KG - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings Schuco International KG - 72 companies - UkraineVSThermo
Categories:AdditionsБренд VSThermo является производителем теплых подставочных профилей и материалов для теплого монтажа, функциональное применение которых направленно ...Suppliers VSThermo - 3 companiesWhere to order windows from additional accessories VSThermo - 12 companies - UkraineObriy
Categories:Mounting materialsManufacture and sale of quality construction and metric fasteners. The product range is more than 4000 items. Producer prices. https://metiz.obriy.biz - UkrainePoli
Categories:SealantsTM POLI - the leading Ukrainian manufacturer of seals since 2003. The assortment includes more than 300 types of seals and cords. We produce: - ... - GermanySimonswerk
Categories:FittingsSIMONSWERK has been one of the most well-known manufacturers of door hinges and hinge systems for heavy-duty, residential and entrance doors. ...Suppliers Simonswerk - 19 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings Simonswerk - 83 companies - GermanyHAUTAU
Categories:FittingsHautau is the perfect technique for modern windows. In our production program, the following 4 main directions: - Atrium HS Fittings for ...Suppliers HAUTAU - 16 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings HAUTAU - 81 Companies - PolandSanok Rubber Company SA
Categories:SealantsSanok Rubber Company S.A. is the European leader in the field of rubber products, rubber-to-metal articles, combination of rubber with other ... - UkraineKIAplast
Categories:SealantsTM Kia Plast has been operating in the specialized market since 2003 and stands out for its technical features, extensive range of products and price ... - UkraineViknar’off
Categories:ProfilesКомпания `Viknar'off` - один из крупнейших в Украине производитель металлопластиковых конструкций, для которого основным принципом деятельности ...Suppliers Viknar’off - 4 companiesDescription of core systems Viknar’off - 9 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Viknar’off - 92 companies - UkraineRasKon (Raschet Konstruktsyy)
Categories:SoftwareКомпания ADGroup занимается разработкой программного обеспечение для расчета окон, дверей, перегородок, фасадов. Программный продукт `Расчет ...Suppliers RasKon (Raschet Konstruktsyy) - 4 companies - UkraineWDS
Categories:ProfilesWDS profile systems are produced by MIROPLAST, one of the leaders in PVC profile system development and production in Ukraine. - High-speed ...Suppliers WDS - 17 companiesDescription of core systems WDS - 19 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles WDS - 776 companies - GermanyHenkel
Categories:Mounting materialsКомпания «Хенкель Баутехник (Украина)» представила инновационную полиуретановую пену "Ceresit WHITETEQ тепло- и звукоизоляция". Ceresit WHITETEQ ... - UkraineEcoplast
Categories:ProfilesA full production cycle, 20 years of experience, reliable Austrian equipment, our own profile system, Ecoplast, allow us to offer customers a quality ...Suppliers Ecoplast - 3 companiesDescription of core systems Ecoplast - 4 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Ecoplast - 79 companies - SpainCortizo
Categories:ProfilesCortizo – это испанская компания, которая основана в 1972 году. Она занимается производством алюминиевого профиля и архитектурных систем из алюминия ...Suppliers Cortizo - 1 Companies - UkraineTalisman
Categories:ProfilesThe company has been working in the construction market of Ukraine since 1992. PKF "TALISMAN" LLC developed from a small team of enthusiasts with ...Suppliers Talisman - 4 companiesDescription of core systems Talisman - 10 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Talisman - 32 companies - UkraineMedia Plast Ukraine
Categories:Glass and fillingThe company "Media-Plast Ukraine" was established in 2001 by a team of ambitious specialists, which allowed not only to establish a technology, ...Suppliers Media Plast Ukraine - 1 Companies - UkraineTeplyi Profil
Categories:Mounting materialsMiscellaneousООО "Теплый профиль" - это производство серии монтажных профилей для надежного утепления окон, дверей и раздвижных систем. Наше производство, ... - Germanyelumatec
Categories:EquipmentПРОСТОР ДЛЯ ТРАДИЦИИ И ИДЕЙ - с 1928 года. В 1928 году в Мюлякере недалеко от Штутгарта была создана штаб-квартира компании Eugen Lutz. Сегодня ...Suppliers elumatec - 4 companiesWhere to order windows from equipment elumatec - 47 companies - UkraineBASTET
Categories:Mounting materialsFor more than 25 years, our company has been represented on the Ukrainian window market. Since 2004, the company has launched its own production of ...Suppliers BASTET - 1 CompaniesWhere to order windows from fasteners BASTET - 6 companies - GermanyWeinig Gruppe
Categories:EquipmentООО "ИНМАТЕХ" является официальным представителем немецкого станкостроительного концерна Вайниг в Украине. Будучи представителем ведущего в мире ...Suppliers Weinig Gruppe - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from equipment Weinig Gruppe - 12 companies - TurkeyTTS
Categories:FittingsФурнитурная группа TTS включает в себя комплекс современных систем для установки на оконные и дверные конструкции из металлопластиковых профилей. ...Suppliers TTS - 1 Companies - TurkeyASISTAL
Categories:ProfilesLLC "PROFINVEST" officially represents aluminum profile systems TM "ASISTAL" and TM "ALTEST" in Ukraine. Our company provides a wide range of ... - UkraineAXOR INDUSTRY
Categories:FittingsAXOR INDUSTRY is a fast-growing international company that went a long way from a distributor of hardware for PVC windows to a world-known ...Suppliers AXOR INDUSTRY - 8 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings AXOR INDUSTRY - 533 companies - PolandFAKRO sp. z o.o.
Categories:ProfilesFAKRO производит деревянные и металлопластиковые мансардные окна различных конструкций. В компании можно приобрести: - деревянные и ...Where to order windows from profiles FAKRO sp. z o.o. - 12 companies - TurkeyWINTECH
Categories:ProfilesWINTECH is a world-famous name with a long history. The WINTECH brand is a part of the Turkish corporation ADO-Group, and is an in-house development ...Suppliers WINTECH - 17 companiesDescription of core systems WINTECH - 4 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles WINTECH - 186 companies - TurkeyRESCARA | ASAS Aluminyum A.S
Categories:ProfilesRESCARA | ASAS Aluminyum A.S - крупнейший алюминиевый завод в Турции и Европе. Бренды импортируемые в Украину: RESCARA (РЕСКАРА) - профильные ...Suppliers RESCARA | ASAS Aluminyum A.S - 1 Companies - Germanyillbruck
Categories:Mounting materialsНемецкая торговая марка illbruck – эксперт в изоляционных технологиях, предоставляющий комплексные системные решения для герметизации швов/стыков в ...Suppliers illbruck - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from fasteners illbruck - 24 companies - GermanyKÖMMERLING
Categories:ProfilesThe company that was founded by Karl Kömmerling in 1897, now constitutes a strong brand of profine and the products are delivered to around 50 ...Suppliers KÖMMERLING - 2 companiesDescription of core systems KÖMMERLING - 9 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles KÖMMERLING - 58 companies - SpainCVL
Categories:FittingsCVL produces locks for aluminum, metal-plastic and metal doors, as well as emergency exit doors (anti-panic system). We offer: - individual ...Suppliers CVL - 3 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings CVL - 7 companies - UkraineLebedynskyy
Categories:AdditionsСПД «Лебединский О. И.» является производителем подставочных профилей (ПВХ), пластиковых отливов и поставщиком продукции отечественных производителей ...