➕ 31 березня 2022 року Velux оголосили про закриття операцій на росії та білорусі

Country of origin of the brandDenmark
+380 44 321 XX XX +380 44 321 1600 Mob.:
+380 44 321 XX XX +380 67 447 1111 Phone:
+380 44 321 XX XX +380 99 447 1111
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VELUXThe VELUX Group has manufacturing and sales operations in more than 40 countries, with an extensive distribution network. Our products include roof windows and modular skylights, as well as a range of decorative elements, blinds, roller shutters, installation solutions and remote controls. |
Company's news
Participated in exhibitions
BAU 2015 19—24 January 2015 Munchen
Where to buy windows

Kyiv ул. Краковськая 15/17, офис 162

Kyiv Київська обл., Білоцерківський район, місто Біла Церква, б. Олександрійський,101

VELUX Ukraine
Kyiv вул. Ревуцького, 44а, 2 пов.
Companies providing similar services
Another organization in Kyiv
Update: 3/03/2025
Registered: 4/07/2004
ID no: 850
Registered: 4/07/2004
ID no: 850
Company Reviews
Find window Map okna.ua/en/velux

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Head office
вул. Ревуцького, 44 а (2 поверх), Kyiv, 02140The popularity of the company
156 position in the ranking of pages
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