PVC profiles, vinyl profiles, fittings, equipment, glass, aluminum profiles for windows, doors, facades at Ukraine Country of origin of the brand - Germany
Каталог компаний
Categories:FittingsSoftware- Branch office::
- Hostomel — WINKHAUS Ukraine
- Odesa — г. Одесса
- Lviv — г. Львов
- Dnipro — г. Днепропетровск
- All Mission
Winkhaus has earned the confidence of customers with innovative products and competent service for over 160 years. Window manufacturers and vendors, ...Where to order windows from fittings WINKHAUS - 769 companies - Germanyaluplast GmbHStart
Categories:Profilesaluplast GmbH is one of the leading system providers of uPVC windows, doors, roller shutters, and controlled domestic ventilation systems. The ...Suppliers aluplast GmbH - 14 companiesDescription of core systems aluplast GmbH - 20 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles aluplast GmbH - 324 companies - GermanySchuco International KG
Categories:FittingsSCHUCO is the European leader in its field; at the moment the company is represented almost all over the world. Our enterprise is a model in the ...Suppliers Schuco International KG - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings Schuco International KG - 72 companies - GermanySimonswerk
Categories:FittingsSIMONSWERK has been one of the most well-known manufacturers of door hinges and hinge systems for heavy-duty, residential and entrance doors. ...Suppliers Simonswerk - 19 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings Simonswerk - 83 companies - GermanyHAUTAU
Categories:FittingsHautau is the perfect technique for modern windows. In our production program, the following 4 main directions: - Atrium HS Fittings for ...Suppliers HAUTAU - 16 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings HAUTAU - 81 Companies - GermanyHenkel
Categories:Mounting materialsКомпания «Хенкель Баутехник (Украина)» представила инновационную полиуретановую пену "Ceresit WHITETEQ тепло- и звукоизоляция". Ceresit WHITETEQ ... - Germanyelumatec
Categories:EquipmentПРОСТОР ДЛЯ ТРАДИЦИИ И ИДЕЙ - с 1928 года. В 1928 году в Мюлякере недалеко от Штутгарта была создана штаб-квартира компании Eugen Lutz. Сегодня ...Suppliers elumatec - 4 companiesWhere to order windows from equipment elumatec - 47 companies - GermanyWeinig Gruppe
Categories:EquipmentООО "ИНМАТЕХ" является официальным представителем немецкого станкостроительного концерна Вайниг в Украине. Будучи представителем ведущего в мире ...Suppliers Weinig Gruppe - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from equipment Weinig Gruppe - 12 companies - Germanyillbruck
Categories:Mounting materialsНемецкая торговая марка illbruck – эксперт в изоляционных технологиях, предоставляющий комплексные системные решения для герметизации швов/стыков в ...Suppliers illbruck - 2 companiesWhere to order windows from fasteners illbruck - 24 companies - GermanyKÖMMERLING
Categories:ProfilesThe company that was founded by Karl Kömmerling in 1897, now constitutes a strong brand of profine and the products are delivered to around 50 ...Suppliers KÖMMERLING - 2 companiesDescription of core systems KÖMMERLING - 9 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles KÖMMERLING - 58 companies - GermanySalamander Industrie - Produkte GmbH
Categories:ProfilesSalamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH, headquartered in Türkheim/Unterallgäu, is a family-run internationally active group of companies with three ... - GermanySIEGENIA GRUPPE
Categories:FittingsSIEGENIA GRUPPE is one of the leading manufacturers of fittings in the world. This company is famous throughout the world for the truly German ...Suppliers SIEGENIA GRUPPE - 6 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings SIEGENIA GRUPPE - 311 companies - GermanyARtec
Categories:FittingsФурнитура ARtec VARIO ET производится в Германии с применением новейших технологий и соблюдением европейских экологических норм. Высокое качество ...Suppliers ARtec - 3 companiesWhere to order windows from fittings ARtec - 21 Companies - GermanyBrugmann
Categories:ProfilesКомпания Brugmann является одним из старейших разработчиков и производителей ПВХ-профильных систем, основанная в 1848 году, она приступила в 1958 ...Suppliers Brugmann - 7 companiesDescription of core systems Brugmann - 2 itemsWhere to order windows from profiles Brugmann - 35 companies - GermanyRENOLIT
Categories:Lamination for windowsПредставительство немецкой компании RENOLIT AG предлагает со склада в г.Киев высококачественную декоративную ПВХ пленку с акриловым защитным слоем ...Where to order windows from lamination for windows RENOLIT - 135 companies