

Country of origin of the brandUkraine
+380 66 537 XX XX +380 66 537 3486
+380 66 537 XX XX +380 97 300 7297
+380 66 537 XX XX +380 97 134 3392
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TM Kia Plast has been operating in the specialized market since 2003 and stands out for its technical features, extensive range of products and price policy. Planning, advanced technology, innovation are key factors for successful prosperity in any business. The main task of TM Kia Plast is to ensure the quality and reliability of supplies, full range of STANDARD and SPECIAL DEVELOPED PROFILES, executed with high accuracy in accordance with the wishes of the Client.
In 2017, our company mastered the production of a new type of product, such as a brush sealer. We are the first in Ukraine manufacturer of this product, which is used for closets, mosquito nets, sliding facade and interior doors, roller systems and gates. Thanks to advanced technologies and competent training of personnel, this type of products is produced in a wide range of colors and successfully competes with similar seals from other world manufacturers.

Another organization in Dnipro

Update: 2/12/2024
Registered: 3/11/2011
ID no: 14481
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KIAplast on the map
Head office
ул. Молодогвардейская, 6, корп. 28, пом. 116, Dnipro, 49022
Working hours:
Mon — Fri 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
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