LTD Ecoplast
Country of origin of the brandUkraine
+380 68 717 XX XX +380 68 717 3677 Mob.:
+380 68 717 XX XX +380 67 576 6459 Phone:
+380 68 717 XX XX +380 50 403 6053 - Sales department: +380 68 717 XX XX +380 68 717 3677
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LTD EcoplastA full production cycle, 20 years of experience, reliable Austrian equipment, our own profile system, Ecoplast, allow us to offer customers a quality and reliable product at a very reasonable price. Deliveries of profiles. AFT-4k (width 60) AFTvista 3k (58 width) Convenient conditions for cooperation for dealers. It's easy with us. |
Where to buy windows
Kyiv ул. Тороповского, 39
Kyev Metall Plast
Kyiv ул. Симферопольская, 5/1
Kyiv Київська обл., Білоцерківський район, місто Біла Церква, б. Олександрійський,101
Kyiv пр-т Королёва, 12 г
Kyiv Волынская, 10
Kyiv вул. Куренівська 18, оф. 7
Where to buy doors
Sumy пр-т М. Лушпы, 54
Vikna Dveri dlya oseli
Lviv вул. Дмитра Вітовського 10
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Update: 6/08/2023
Registered: 1/01/2001
ID no: 469
Registered: 1/01/2001
ID no: 469
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Head office
смт Пісочин, вул. Крупської, 15а, Kharkiv, 62416The popularity of the company
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