Country of origin of the brandGermany
+380 44 360 XX XX +380 44 360 7649
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HOPPEHOPPE has established itself as the European market leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing of door and window hardware. A core area of expertise is the manufacturing of high-quality hardware with an optimum benefit/price ratio. Hardware from HOPPE is neither cheap nor expensive but always worth its price! “Creativity is intelligent thinking against the norm”, the result being: “Different from and better than others.” These beliefs make the HOPPE Group what it is today! |
Company's news
Participated in exhibitions
fensterbau/frontale 2024 19—22 March 2024 Nurnberg
fensterbau/frontale 2018 21—24 March 2018 Nurnberg
BAU 2017 16—21 January 2017 Munchen
fensterbau/frontale 2016 16—19 March 2016 Nurnberg
BAU 2015 19—24 January 2015 Munchen
fensterbau/frontale 2014 26—29 March 2014 Nurnberg
BAU 2013 14—19 January 2013 Munchen
fensterbau frontale 2012 21—24 March 2012 Nurnberg
Where to buy windows

Kyiv ул. Ревуцкого, 40г

Vіkna-Star, TM
Kyiv Братиславська, 6 оф.: 4

Ukraina Plast
Kyiv вул. Мельникова, 46

Kyiv вул. Волинська, 48/50

Kyiv вул. Смілянська, 10А

Kyiv вул. Володимира Качали, 5В

Kyiv пр-т Соборності, 15/17, офіс 408

Kyiv вул. Козацька, 122

Vikna Dekor Enerhiya (WDE)
Kyiv улица Ново-Вокзальная 21

Design Plast
Kyiv ул. Патриарха Мстислава Скрипника 13, офис 1
Where to buy doors

Dnipro вулиця Шевченка, 59, офіс 349

Bulvar Vikon i Dverey, salon
Chernivtsi вул. Ентузіастів, 8

Uzhhorod проспект Свободи, 1
Mykolaiv Чкалова 110а/2, Салон молодоженов
Update: 3/01/2024
Registered: 1/01/2001
ID no: 1182
Registered: 1/01/2001
ID no: 1182
Company Reviews