LTD Viteks-Plius
Brovary Київська обл.
- Sales department: +380 97 190 XX XX +380 95 272 2717
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The company is registered in August 21, 2018
According to company registration more 5 years (6 years)
According to company registration more 5 years (6 years)
Company Activity0.4 from 10
State registration of the company
The company is registered in the state bodies (code 37721453).According to the company registration — 14 years.
Registration Date — June 29, 2011.
Revision date — May 15, 2022 (checked
Registration status at the time of inspection — acts.
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Head office
вул. Металургів, 22, оф. 39, Brovary, 07400The popularity of the company
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