LTD FAKRO sp. z o.o.
Country of origin of the brandPoland
+380 322 97 XX XX +380 322 972 562 Mob.:
+380 322 97 XX XX +380 322 972 563 Phone:
+380 322 97 XX XX +380 50 430 6303
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The company is registered in OKNA.ua May 30, 2019
According to company registration more 5 years (5 years)
According to company registration more 5 years (5 years)
Company Activity0.4 from 10
Find window Map okna.ua/en/fakro

Link for mobile devices
Head office
вул. Городоцька, 355 б, Lviv, 79040The popularity of the company
200 position in the ranking of pages
Total Views: 3 378