We work during the war
Framex, TM
Country of origin of the brandUkraine
0800 210 02 XX XX 0800 210 021
Closed ⋅ Opens: Thu, 08:00
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The company is registered in OKNA.ua August 27, 2009
According to company registration more 15 years (15 years)
According to company registration more 15 years (15 years)
The company received the "2024 Consumer Choice" award for one of the most active and successful campaigns conducted in OKNA.ua, based on the results of 2023.
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Head office
вул. Мазура 24/7, Smila, 20700Working hours:
Центральный офис, отдел ПВХ/алюминиевые / фасадные профильные системы / системы ограждений, г.Смела, ул. Мазура 24/7 20700
Mon — Fri 8:00 AM‒5:00 PM
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5 position in the ranking of pages
Total Views: 25 736