It works great in a team of professionals!
Look at our Facebook page for a detailed photo report on the installation of Qunell slope systems in the Izyumsk kindergarten (Kharkiv region), where in three days we installed Künel slopes on 42 windows.
Our team of professionals (on the photo): Eduard Babanin, Alexey Bilousov, Artem, Vladimir G., led by Alexander Stelmashenko
The customer - repair and construction company "DIAZ"
Write to us or call to purchase a set of the best slopes! Special conditions for dealers.

Наша команда профессионалов: Эдуард Бабанин, Алексей Билоусов, Артем, Владимир Григорьевич, во главе с Александр Стельмашенко
Refer to the professionals. Qunell Slope Systems
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ID no: 19865

Oct 31, 2018, 11:14 AM
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Mar 14, 2025