
Окна в Николаеве

Как выбрать окна в Николаеве

Burglar resistance
Crack resistant
Каталог компаний
  1. Mykolaiv
    Окна и двери Николаев Vikna EkspresPremium Company logo Vikna Ekspres
    Want to buy a plastic, wooden or aluminum window or glazed balcony? Windows and balconies from the ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  2. Mykolaiv
    OPENProf Company logo OPEN
    The company "OPEN" occupies strong positions on the window and door market of the city of Nikolaev ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products OPEN — 20 items
  3. Mykolaiv
    Steko, dylerStart Company logo Steko, dyler
    The firm "Steko Nikolaev" is a team of professionals who will help you to solve any questions of ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products Steko, dyler — 50 items
  4. Mykolaiv
    Петренко І.В.
    Продаж вікон, дверей, аксесуарів.
    Plastic windows
  5. Mykolaiv
    🏡 Windows and doors throughout Ukraine! 🏡 Are you looking for the perfect windows and doors for ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  6. Mykolaiv
    Котков В.В.
    Офіційний дилер виробника металопластикових вікон заводу Steko. STEKO - найбільший виробник вікон ...
    Plastic windows
  7. Mykolaiv
    Фирма "Формат" уже более 12-и лет реализует свою продукцию в г. Николаеве и Николаевской области: ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  8. Mykolaiv
    Наша компания работает на рынке светопрозрачных конструкций с 1993 г. Сертифицированное ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  9. Mykolaiv
    Paschenko E.Yu.
    The company "NotStandArt" will help you in creating warmth and comfort in your home. We have many ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  10. Mykolaiv
    Цыганок Д.Н.
    Металлопластиковые окна и двери в Николаеве. Установка балконов и лоджий под ключ. Входные двери и ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  11. Mykolaiv
    Металлопластиковые, алюминиевые, алюмо-деревянные окна, двери, балконы, перегородки любой сложности ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  12. Mykolaiv
    Проводян О.А.
    "Студия Окон"- это авторизованный торговый партнер немецкого концерна REHAU. Мы предлагаем ...
    Plastic windows
  13. Mykolaiv
    Салон-магазин Панорама предлагает окна из высококачественного немецкого профиля Rehau в Николаеве, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  14. Mykolaiv
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  15. Mykolaiv
    Металлопластиковые окна украинских и немецких производителей. Комплектация заказа подоконниками, ...
    Plastic windows
  16. Mykolaiv
    Предприятие Техстрой-99 имеет собственную производственную базу, работает стабильно на рынке ПВХ 13 ...
    Plastic windows
  17. Mykolaiv
    Yavorenko V.V.
    Торговля и монтаж металлопластиковых конструкций из профиля VEKA. KBE. TROCAL. REHAU. ALMPLAST. ...
    Plastic windows
  18. Mykolaiv
    We will make your home and office cozy, comfortable, modern. Plastic windows KBE, Rehau, glazing ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  19. Mykolaiv
    Изготовление окон и дверей. Монтаж, сервис, гарантия. Жалюзи, ролеты, ворота, аллюминевые ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  20. Mykolaiv
    Alis center
    Windows of metal-plastic in Nikolaev firm Alis-center offers since 2008. Plastic windows and doors ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
1 2 3 4 Next

Windows in Nikolaev

Despite the fact that the shape of the traditional window has not changed for decades, modern designs differ from the Soviet carpentry in principle. Qualitatively manufactured and properly installed, they demonstrate good stable values ​​of insulation and noise insulation, ease of operation, good appearance.

About advantages

Now translucent products have a number of advantages that make the replacement of windows attractive or even necessary: ​​

  • High energy efficiency.
  • Easy to use.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Affordable cost.

With a correctly assembled and installed window, the doors are easily opened, closed They are transferred to the ventilation mode. You do not need to make additional efforts. The idea of ​​simple handling of windows for any person, regardless of age and individual characteristics, is increasingly spreading in the market. Therefore, European manufacturers can find non-standard solutions, for example, a handle that is installed in the lower part of the frame. It is easy to reach it if the product is installed high, as well as for elderly people, people in a wheelchair.

Caring for window structures reduces to the periodic wiping of PVC profiles with non-aggressive detergents and lubricant of sealant, accessories. Some window salons offer a special care kit.

Quality windows are a "long-playing" acquisition. The projected service life is 30 years. Often, the producers in the contract specify the warranty period of operation for three years, as indicated in DSTU B В.2.6-15: 2011 "Window and door polyvinylchloride blocks. General specifications. " A longer period may be specified in the contract. If the warranty period is not specified, then, according to the law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection", the warranty is valid for at least two years.

Modern components allow to collect energy-efficient designs - better keep heat in the room. Such solutions allow for 3-40 With a rise in temperature in a room in the winter of a typical high-rise building. For example, a design with a mounting width of 70 mm and a double-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window with a width of 40 mm with two i-glasses and filled argon is approximately five times more energy-saving per year than a conventional wooden window.

In the window market of Ukraine there was such a situation that technological solutions are now the most inexpensive, this applies to Nikolaev's windows, in comparison with neighboring countries. To help the family budget, energy efficiency programs can be used to purchase windows: one can consider the state program for compensation of expenses for purchasing energy-efficient solutions, local programs and the IQ energy program.

Effective compensation programs

materials, including warm windows, you can use the state program "Warm credits", within which part of the purchase price is compensated. For individuals, 35% of the loan amount is compensated, for OSMD and HBC - 40%. It should be noted that the state does not compensate for the cost of delivery, installation and window accessories (windowsills, ebbs, slopes, mosquito nets, shutters, blinds, etc.).

Also, from April 2016 a similar program was launched from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IQ Energy. She proposes to take loans to individuals under 20% per annum and buy plastic windows in Nikolaev and, if energy savings using purchased materials, will reach 20% or more of the initial level, then compensation will be up to 20% (from July 11, 2017 compensation is 35%) of the loan amount.

The local program "Warm Nikolaev" (2017-2019), which, however, is aimed at complex insulation of communal facilities and apartment buildings, combined in OSMD.

Additional design selection criteria

If you choose Not only do we take note of the thermal insulation characteristics, but also of other equally important parameters. For example, for owners of apartments on the ground floors or second with non-glassed balcony, protection against breaking is actual. This task can be solved with the help of grilles or a special insulating glass unit and anti-burglary fittings.

Resistant to wind loads should show Nikolaev's plastic windows in "river" microdistricts, such as Salt, Northern, Namyv, etc. After all, the city is located in the mouth of the rivers and the wind is where to accelerate. And in order to withstand winds, the structure must be strong and the quality of the windows is also important. To calculate the loads, you can use the calculator " Calculation wind load with the selection of profiles . "

For children's safety, children's locks are used that limit the possibility of opening the doors.

Also, Mykolaiv is a transport and railway junction. For windows facing noisy streets and traffic junctions, the soundproofing parameter is important, for which special double-glazed windows with thicker glasses (6mm and larger) and, possibly, different glass widths and the number of compaction lines (2, and better 3) are responsible. It will be actual for residents of Victory Square and the nearest streets, since there is a railway station, bus station and a traffic intersection in their area.

If the sun shines into the room from the very morning, then the amount of lighting can be reduced with curtains. However, if the task is to reduce the arrival of solar heat, then it is more effective to use external shading: external roller shutters, awnings, shutters.

Comfortable site for searching

For convenient search of the window company, you can use the catalog Manufacturers, dealers and salons are assembled in one place, which extends the choice and at the same time simplifies the search, since all are located on the same site.
Companies talk about themselves and the benefits of working with them, which allows you to choose a company with which it will work comfortably. Also, it is possible to calculate the cost of the future design in the window calculator. Please note that the final price may differ for Nikolaev's windows, because the constructions are made individually for a specific opening and are supplemented with different accessories. Platform