
Vinyl windows profile systems with mounting width less 59 mm

Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing

Selected: 31 from 526
Profiles Windoff's
Windoff's Inter Line Profiles.

Windoff's - Inter Line

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Профильная система Inter Line сертифицирована на соответствие требованиям ДСТУ 30673-99, имеет санитарно-эпидемиологические заключения и абсолютно экологически безопасны для здоровья человека. Профиль «INTER-LINE» легко компонуется в конструкции практически любых форм и используется, как для …

Profiles WINTECH
WINTECH Isotech 530 Profiles.

WINTECH - Isotech 530

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Three-chamber system Isotech 530 PVC profiles based stabilizer CaZn Section width 58 mm. The thickness of the outer wall of 2.7 mm. Each profile has three cameras, providing heat insulation, sound insulation and water resistance. The possibility of using insulating glass thickness of 24 …

VIKNALAND A58 Profiles.


Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4

A58 - PVC profile system for the production of different types of windows and balcony doors. It belongs to a class of A. It has two loop seals. Overlap sash frame is 8 mm. The thickness of the glass from the glass 5-6 mm to the single-chamber (24 mm) and two-chamber (32 mm) glazing.

VIKNALAND B58 Profiles.


Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4

B58 - PVC profile system with a construction width of 58 mm. Used for the manufacture of traditional windows and balcony doors, as well as irregularly shaped designs, including designs with bevel, triangular arch. The thickness of the glass 5 mm, 6 mm, 24 mm, 32 mm. Overlapping frames / sash: …

Profiles Epsilon TM
Epsilon TM Epsilon Basic Profiles.

Epsilon TM - Epsilon Basic

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Epsilon Basic - three-chamber PVC system with a mounting width of 58 mm. Available in white and the outer lamination. The thickness of the filling: double pane windows 24 and 32 mm. Mounting depth of glass - 18 mm. Fillet rounded. Two loop seal. Sealant grey.

Profiles Epsilon TM
Epsilon TM Epsilon Comfort Profiles.

Epsilon TM - Epsilon Comfort

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4

Epsilon Comfort - 4-chamber PVC system with a mounting width of 60 mm. Designed for the production of plastic windows of the classical form. Also, the increased height of the leaf can be used in the manufacture of the system balcony doors. There is a possibility for laminating wood: golden oak, …

Profiles Framex, TM
Framex, TM Framex 58 Profiles.

Framex, TM - Framex 58

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4

Четырехкамерная профильная система Framex 58 предназначена для изготовления окон и балконных дверей прямоугольной, косоугольной, трапециевидной, круглой формы. Глянцевая поверхность Имеет фурнитурный "европаз" по 13-й системе. Может использоваться с противовзломной фурнитурой. Толщина …

Profiles Viknar’off
Viknar’off LWS 3 Profiles.

Viknar’off - LWS 3

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Mounting depth – 58mm 3 chambers in frame and sash Glazing – 24 and 32mm No. of sealing circuits – 2

Profiles ViknaNovi
ViknaNovi VIKNANOVI WR400 Profiles.

ViknaNovi - VIKNANOVI WR400

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4

4-chamber profile. Mounting depth – 58 mm. Possibility to install multiple-glazed units of 6, 24, 32 mm.

Profiles Vitral
Vitral Vitral Profiles.

Vitral - Vitral

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 4/4

System Characteristics - 4-chamber system. - Osnovnі profіlі s koekstrudіrovannim uschіlnennyam. - Tovschina visible contour 3.00 mm. - Mozhlivіst pіdboru sklіnnya 4, 24 i 32 mm. - Perekrittya ramie stulkoyu 8.00 mm. - Nayavnіst in sistemі dodatkovih profіlіv. - Nayavnіst sertifіkatіv …

Profiles VEKA


Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Profile system EUROLINE Pro is designed for the manufacture of metal-plastic swivel, tilt and turn, leaved and sliding windows. Installation depth 58 mm. Filling thickness of 4 to 32 mm. Install depth 18 mm. It has two loop seals. Applicable seal black. The drag coefficient of the gear unit …

Profiles Steko
Steko Steko S 300 Profiles.

Steko - Steko S 300

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Steko S 300 — трехкамерная ПВХ система для производства окон и балконных дверей. Технические характеристики: Ширина профиля — 58 мм. Высота рамы — 61,5 мм. Толщина заполнения: 4, 6, 24, 30 мм. Толщина наружной стенки: 2,6 мм. Звукоизоляция: VDI 2719 Класс шумозащиты: II до IV …

Profiles Okoshko
Okoshko S58 Window Profiles.

Okoshko - S58 Window

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Profile developed by Technoplast Micheldorf city (Germany); Profile stabilization heat stabilizers and oxygen scavenger; resistance thanks to white titanium dioxide; dust repelling anti-static additives; ensuring fire flame retardant.

Profiles Ecoplast
Ecoplast Ecoplast Light Profiles.

Ecoplast - Ecoplast Light

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Ecoplast Light - PVC profiles for the production of standard swivel and tilt and turn windows and balcony doors. The system has two loop seal. Overlap the porch of 8 mm. The coefficient of heat transfer resistance 0.62 m2 frame * 0 C / W leaf 0.652 m2 * 0 C / W (reinforcement). Filling …

Profiles VEKA
VEKA Euroline AD Profiles.

VEKA - Euroline AD

Profile material - vinyl, Outer width of the frame - 58 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

The company VEKA AG switches to system SOFTLINE and EUROLINE axial 13 mm and adapts thus the axial dimension to the already existing system TOPLINE, having a mounting width of 70 mm. All of the new system, further, that the firm VEKA AG will develop in the near future, this will also have an axial …

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