
Alumil facades profile systems

Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing

Material of profiles:
Installation width:
Number of chambers in the frame:
Selected: 5 from 526
Profiles Alumil
Alumil M6 Solar Standard Plus Profiles.

Alumil - M6 Solar Standard Plus

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

Klasichna stіykovo-transom facade system Osnovnі characteristics: - Klasichna stіykovo-transom facade system - Visible zovnіshnya Chastina - 55 mm - Dvokonturne uschіlnennya s vikoristannyam EPDM uschіlnyuvachіv - System mіstit polіamіdny termomіst 25mm, that vіdnositsya to Group 2.1 on …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 10800 Skylight Aluterm Profiles.

Alumil - M 10800 Skylight Aluterm

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

Thermal systems for stvorennya atrіumіv that Svitlo dahіv Prozorov. Got vidimі System Components zovnі, width 55 mm. Osnovnі characteristics: • System for vikoristovuєtsya stvorennya such konstruktsіy, yak pіramіdi, domes, svіtloprozorі poholі Dahi that іn. • For Prop teploperedachі …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M3 Solar Semi-Structural, M4 Solar Structural Profiles.

Alumil - M3 Solar Semi-Structural, M4 Solar Structural

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

System for the structural she napіvstrukturnogo zasklennya. Mauger Buti two varіanti Tsikh systems: System & # 924; 3 Especially tim, scho Got zovnі 14 mіlіmetrovu frame yak ohoplyuє sklopaket on the perimeter. System Mauger Buti vikonana in dvoh varіantah: napіvstrukturnі stulki mozhut Buti s …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M3, M3T Solar Semi-Structural, M4, M4T Solar Structural Profiles.

Alumil - M3, M3T Solar Semi-Structural, M4, M4T Solar Structural

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

System for the structural she napіvstrukturnogo zasklennya. Mauger Buti two varіanti Tsikh systems: System & # 924; 3, M3T Especially tim, scho Got zovnі 14 mіlіmetrovu frame yak ohoplyuє sklopaket on the perimeter. System Mauger Buti vikonana in dvoh varіantah: napіvstrukturnі stulki mozhut …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M1 Solar Standard, M2 Solar Standard Linear Profiles.

Alumil - M1 Solar Standard, M2 Solar Standard Linear

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

Thermal systems for zvichaynih facade svіtloprozorih konstruktsіy. Yea Dvi rіznі versії: Golovna osoblivіst fasadnoї Sistemi M1 Tse those scho zovnі seen Krischke pritisknih 55 mm wide strips of yak vertikalі because of s gorizontalі fasadnoї konstruktsії scho vіzualno "rozbivaє" її on sіtku. …