
Alumil sliding profile systems

Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing

Selected: 7 from 538
Profiles Alumil
Alumil Μ 900 Aero Profiles.

Alumil - Μ 900 Aero

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

Low-cost system for rozsuvnih konstruktsіy   Osnovnі characteristics: • System for pridatna stvorennya is the smallest in the magnitude konstruktsіy serednіh • Width 28 mm stulki • System for pridatna usіh tipіv slaydingovih konstruktsіy • Basic System Got rіven germetichnostі that …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 300 Falcon Alutherm Profiles.

Alumil - M 300 Falcon Alutherm

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

"Pіdyomno-rozsuvna 's slaydingova thermal systems EPDM uschіlnyuvachami that Chudova mehanіchnimi vlastivostyami scho robit system pridatnu for vikoristannya in konstruktsіyah great rozmіrіv. Osnovnі characteristics: • Glibin stulki 62.5 mm • In sistemі vikoristovuєtsya nіmetsky …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil S 300 Deluxe Alutherm Profiles.

Alumil - S 300 Deluxe Alutherm

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 38 mm

Thermal systems for rozsuvnih konstruktsіy s napravlyayuchimi s nerzhavіyuchoї stalі that Hi-Fin schіtochnogo uschіlnyuvacha. The base width of 38 mm stulki Osnovnі characteristics: - Glibin stulki 38 mm - The support by teploperedachі vіdnositsya to the Group 2.3 (zgіdno DIN52619-3, UR = …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil S 400 Premier Alutherm Profiles.

Alumil - S 400 Premier Alutherm

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 45 mm

Thermal systems for rozsuvnih konstruktsіy s napravlyayuchimi s nerzhavіyuchoї stalі that Hi-Fin schіtochnogo uschіlnyuvacha. The base width of 45 mm stulki Osnovnі characteristics: - Glibin stulki 45 mm - The support by teploperedachі vіdnositsya to the Group 2.3 (zgіdno DIN52619-3, UR = …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9050 Light Profiles.

Alumil - M 9050 Light

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

System profіlіv for slaydingovih konstruktsіy s profіlyami nevisokoї crowbars that rіznomanіtnim zovnіshnіm viglyadom. Performance specification PROFІLІV Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 6060 Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914; Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm Tovschina stіnki …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9200 Exclusive Profiles.

Alumil - M 9200 Exclusive

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

System profіlіv for rozsuvnih konstruktsіy scho Especially toil krivolіnіyny design. Performance specification PROFІLІV Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725) Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914; Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm Tovschina stіnki profіlya (mіn-max): 1,4 - …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9000 Slide Profiles.

Alumil - M 9000 Slide

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

System profіlіv for slaydingovih konstruktsіy s profіlyami nevisokoї crowbars that rіznomanіtnim zovnіshnіm viglyadom. Performance specification PROFІLІV Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725) Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914; Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm …

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