Roto Frank Holding AG
Country of origin of the brandGermany
Show number+380 50 351 2916 - Sales department: Show number+380 50 351 2916
- Sales department: Show number+380 50 469 5698
- Sales department: Show number+380 50 330 0154
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The company is registered in OKNA.ua January 15, 2004
According to company registration more 20 years (21 year)
According to company registration more 20 years (21 year)

The company received the "2021 Consumer Choice" award for one of the most active and successful campaigns conducted in OKNA.ua, based on the results of 2020.
Share Achievement

The company received the "2022 Consumer Choice" award for one of the most active and successful campaigns conducted in OKNA.ua, based on the results of 2021.
Share Achievement

Link for mobile devices
Head office
Площа Вільхельма Франка 1, 7077 Ляйнфельден-Ехтердінген, Stuttgart, 02660The popularity of the company
31 position in the ranking of pages
Total Views: 45 003