Main office: Виконда (Кривий Ріг)
LTD Vykonda, fyrmennyy salon
- Sales department: +380 6170 1 XX XX +380 63 169 9997
- Hot line: +380 6170 1 XX XX +380 95 169 9997
- Hot line: +380 6170 1 XX XX +380 95 169 9997
- Department on work with VIP clients: +380 6170 1 XX XX +380 6170 16770
Closed ⋅ Opens: Fri, 08:00
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LTD Vykonda, fyrmennyy salonFor more than 11 years we have been bringing warmth and comfort to our customers' homes, installing quality and reliable plastic windows and doors. In our work we put above all reliability and comfort; it is important for us to do our work at the highest level. We guarantee the quality of our products and understand the value of your trust in our company. Our thoughtful service allows you to save your time: from the call to the conclusion of the contract, we take all the work for ourselves. |
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Update: 2/18/2019
Registered: 7/09/2013
ID no: 18759
Registered: 7/09/2013
ID no: 18759
Company Reviews

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Head office
пр. Соборный 179, ZaporizhzhiaWorking hours:
г. Мелитополь, ул. 50 лет Победы 33а
Mon — Sat 8:00 AM‒5:00 PM
г. Энергодар, ул. Комсомольская 61
Mon — Sat 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
пр. Соборный 179
Mon — Sun 8:00 AM‒8:00 PM
ТД "Бородинский"
Mon — Sat 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
ул. Заднепровская 13
Mon — Sat 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
ul. Ivanova 81a
Mon — Sat 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
ул. Космическая 81
Mon — Sat 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM
Leadership: 1 person

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