
Aluminium profile systems

Catalogue of window profile systems, facade glazing

Selected: 196 from 513
Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9300 Perfect Profiles.

Alumil - M 9300 Perfect

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 45 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

Profіlіv system for "tilt-and-vіdkidnih konstruktsіy." Got a base system Glibin 45 mm wide that vibіr rіshen constructively. Osnovnі characteristics: • Basic Glibin Sistemi 45mm • The system "ALUSEAL" zabezpechuє germetichnіst that vologostіykіst konstruktsії • Wide vibіr varіantіv design …

Profiles WICONA by Hydro
WICONA by Hydro  WICLINE 65N Profiles.


Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 65 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/3

Window "cold" series with a basic depth profile of 65 mm, without insulation. Turn-and-tilt, swivel and folding design valves. Heat protection: Uf-koeffitsienty according to DIN EN ISO 10077

Profiles ALTEST
ALTEST Sliding S-1000 Profiles.

ALTEST - Sliding S-1000

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 45 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

Cold sliding system Sliding S-1000 is designed for the glazing of balconies and loggias, as well as the creation of the office and interior partitions. The system is combined with a series of PONY375. You can install from two to four sliding doors. Profiles allow you to make strong and airtight …

Profiles Alumil
Alumil M 9000 Slide Profiles.

Alumil - M 9000 Slide

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm

System profіlіv for slaydingovih konstruktsіy s profіlyami nevisokoї crowbars that rіznomanіtnim zovnіshnіm viglyadom. Performance specification PROFІLІV Alyumіnієvy Alloy: AlMgSi 0.5 F22 6060 (DIN 1725) Tverdіst: 12-14 & # 919; & # 914; Mіnіmalna tovschina powder pokrittya: 0.75 mm …

Profiles WICONA by Hydro
WICONA by Hydro  Wicline 60 Profiles.

WICONA by Hydro - Wicline 60
Production of profile system finished in 2002g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 60 mm

Warm aluminum profile with a mounting width of 60 mm. Out of production in 2002.

Profiles WICONA by Hydro
WICONA by Hydro  Wicstyle 60 Profiles.

WICONA by Hydro - Wicstyle 60
Production of profile system finished in 2002g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 60 mm

Door aluminum profile with a mounting width of 60 mm Out of production in 2002.

Profiles WICONA by Hydro
WICONA by Hydro  Wicline 60n Profiles.

WICONA by Hydro - Wicline 60n
Production of profile system finished in 2002g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 60 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

Cool aluminum profile with a mounting width of 60 mm. Out of production in 2002.

Profiles Spectral
Spectral Spectral 60 Profiles.

Spectral - Spectral 60
Production of profile system finished in 2009g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 60 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

"Warm" aluminum system with a filling of 20 mm to 45 mm. Installation width 60 mm.

Profiles Spectral
Spectral Spectral 45 Profiles.

Spectral - Spectral 45
Production of profile system finished in 2009g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 45 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/1

"Cold" aluminum system with filling from 4mm to 30mm. Installation width 45 mm.

Profiles PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska)
PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) Ponzio NT 152 ESG Profiles.

PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) - Ponzio NT 152 ESG
Production of profile system finished in 2014g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/—

Профильная система была обновлена и с 2015 года выпускается, как PF152 SG. Состав профиля: AL MG Si 0,5 F22 по нормам DIN 1725 T1, DIN 17615 T1 Фасадная, безрамная стена с системой конструктивной склейки. Система разработана для изготовления лёгких фасадных стен и других …

Profiles PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska)
PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) Ponzio NT 152 SG Profiles.

PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) - Ponzio NT 152 SG
Production of profile system finished in 2014g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 0 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 1/—

Профильная система была обновлена и с 2015 года выпускается, как PF152 ESG. Состав профиля: AL MG Si 0,5 F22 по нормам DIN 1725 T1, DIN 17615 T1 Стоечно-ригельная система, относится к материальной группе RMG 1.0. Система разработана для изготовления структурных и полуструктурных …

Profiles PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska)
PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) Ponzio NT 78 EI (противопожарная) Profiles.

PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) - Ponzio NT 78 EI (противопожарная)
Production of profile system finished in 2014g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 78 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Состав профиля: AL MG Si 0,5 F22 по нормам DIN 1725 T1, DIN 17615 T1 Система предназначена для изготовления внутренних и наружных противопожарных перегородок с одностворчатыми дверями (максимальные размеры створки: 2400/1400) и двустворчатыми (2400/2400). Ponzio NT 78El характеризуется очень …

Profiles Solur
Solur SY.W70 Profiles.

Solur - SY.W70
Production of profile system finished in 2014g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 70 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

SY.W70 - window-door aluminum system with thermal. It allows you to make windows, balcony and entrance doors, stained-glass windows for residential and public buildings. Aluminium systems are highly durable and provides resistance to wind loads, and polymer thermorupture - high levels of thermal …

Profiles PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska)
PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) Ponzio NT 78 Profiles.

PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) - Ponzio NT 78
Production of profile system finished in 2014g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 78 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

Профильная система была обновлена и с 2015 года выпускается, как PE78N. Состав профиля: EN AW- 6060 по PN – EN 573-3:1998 состав T6 по PN-EN 515: 1996 Al. Mg Si 0,5 F22 по нормам DIN 1725 T1, DIN 17615 T1 Система с трехкамерной конструкцией, предназначена для изготовления элементов …

Profiles PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska)
PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) Ponzio NT 68 PE Profiles.

PROCURAL (Ponzio Polska) - Ponzio NT 68 PE
Production of profile system finished in 2014g

Profile material - aluminium, Outer width of the frame - 68 mm, number of chambers in the frame / sash - 3/3

С 2015 года NT 68 PE и NT 68 объединены в PE 68. Cостав профиля: экструдированный из сплава алюминия 6060, T6, Al Mg Si 0,5 F22 по нормам DIN 1725 T1, DIN 17615 T1 Трёхкамерная система термически изолированная, с конструкцией аналогичной к системе NT 68, в системе применяется …