
Купить окна Khmelnytskyi. Каталог поставщиков ПВХ окон in Khmelnytskyi

Каталог сайтов и компаний поставщиков и производителей окон ПВХ

Burglar resistance
Crack resistant
Каталог компаний
  1. Khmelnytskyi
    Вікна Хмельницький Vikna EkspresPremium Company logo Vikna Ekspres
    Want to buy a plastic, wooden or aluminum window or glazed balcony? Windows and balconies from the ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  2. Khmelnytskyi
    Prots' A.S.
    - Window - Doors - Sliding systems - Internal partitions - Rolling systems - Gates - ...
    Plastic windows
  3. Khmelnytskyi
    Предлагаем весь спектр услуг по замене окон и реконструкции балконов. Широкий ассортимент ...
    Plastic windows
  4. Khmelnytskyi
    Novi tekhnolohii
    Компания МЧП "Новые технологии" основана в 1998 году. Вид деятельности: изготовление ...
    Plastic windows
  5. Khmelnytskyi
    Eremenko M.S.
    The company "window systems EM" is the largest supplier of metal-plastic windows and doors in new ...
    Plastic windows
  6. Khmelnytskyi
    "Свит Комфорта" основана в 2003 году. Основная услуга компании на тот момент - продажа и установка ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
  7. Khmelnytskyi
    Производство металопластиковых окон из профиля Aluplast, WDS, Galaxy. Раздвижные балконы из ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
  8. Khmelnytskyi
    Proskurivs'ki vikna
    Компания АПБ ПРОЕКТ на рынке М/П окон более 10 лет. Предлагаем металлопластиковые окна из ...
    Plastic windows
  9. Khmelnytskyi
    Fenster Group
    Металлопластиковые окна, двери. Цены доступные, гибкая система скидок
    Plastic windows
  10. Khmelnytskyi
    Levytskyy A.F.
    Предлагаем изготовление и монтаж металопластиковых, алюминиефых конструкций, гаражные ворота, ...
    Plastic windows
  11. Khmelnytskyi
    Перемога Плюс
    Продаем окна, двери, ролеты, решетки
    Plastic windows
  12. Khmelnytskyi
    Изготовление металлопластиковых окон и дверей.
    Plastic windows
  13. Khmelnytskyi
    Пирожок А.В.
    Изготовление пластиковых окон, дверей, балконов. Монтаж. Доступные цены. Окна, двери ...
    Plastic windows
  14. Khmelnytskyi
    Компания Profil-Plus занимается изготовлением и профессиональной установкой пластиковых окон, ...
    Plastic windows
  15. Khmelnytskyi
    Alum Plus
    Изготовление алюминиевых и металлопластиковых светопрозрачных конструкций (окон, дверей, фасадов, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  16. Khmelnytskyi
    We offer you glazing with metal-plastic windows from profiles: Veka 3 -5 -6 - 7cam profile. A also ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  17. Khmelnytskyi
    Давидян М. Г.
    Интернет-магазин окон и дверей Danarmi предлагает продажу и монтаж: - входных дверей - ...
    Plastic windows
  18. Khmelnytskyi
    The company Bud-Profi offers metal-plastic windows, doors, facade materials from reliable ...
    Plastic windows
  19. Khmelnytskyi
    The manufacturer offers aluminum windows, doors, translucent facades. Also all-glass partitions. ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
  20. Khmelnytskyi
    Вікна та двері металопластикові Vіknaryov 4-chamber system PrimeLine (Armor) Armuvania in the ...
    Plastic windows
1 2 3 Next

Khmelnitsky is located in the temperate continental climate zone, which is characterized by warm summers and mild winters. But this is not enough to create a comfortable temperature in the room. The city has a structure of housing stock, typical for the post-Soviet regional center, with high rates of heat loss through the enclosing structures. According to the Department of Life Support and Housing Policy of the Ministry of Regional Development, in the average Ukrainian apartment building, for example, the typical construction of the Exhibition or the District, losses heat is:

  • through the window structures - 10-20%,
  • walls - 30-40%,
  • ventilation system - 10-20% ,
  • the roof is 15-20%,
  • the floor is 10-15%.

In a private house, for example, old buildings in Dyvokrae:

  • through window constructions - 10-15%,
  • walls - 25-35%,
  • ventilation system - 15-25%
  • The roof is 20-30%,
  • the floor is 10-15%.

Therefore, to ensure a comfortable indoor climate and reduce consumption energy resources (reduction of utility bills, if meters are installed), experts recommend comprehensive insulation and replacement of window units with energy efficient ones. However, often the work requires significant initial investment, so they are divided into stages and begin with the installation of windows.

Which windows are energy efficient?

According to DBN "Thermal insulation of buildings" (mandatory norm for use ), Khmelnitsky enters the first temperature zone and the minimum value of the heat transfer resistance of translucent structures (R) is determined at the level of 0.75m2·K/W.

This figure exceeds, for example , PVC windows of Khmelnitsky PVC-profile 70 mm wide and double-glass pane is the width of 40 mm with two balls of energy efficient (i-glass) and filled with argon.

However, it should be noted that this minimum requirement. Window technologies are constantly evolving and there is a tendency among European countries to raise the requirements for window products, for example, in Poland, R from 0.91 will increase to 1.11 in 2021. Therefore recommend changing the window blocks to structures with resistance of 0.9-1.0 heat transfer, which are widely available on the market.

Window Features

Now an important advantage for window products is energy efficiency. This is facilitated by general world trends and the growth of utility tariffs in Ukraine.

But this is not the only advantage of modern translucent structures. Today window blocks form not much different from past products, but they Attractive:

  • Appearance
  • Easy care
  • Soundproofing
  • Security
  • a long service life.

For the design capabilities meet its components, or rather their characteristics or special additions. For example, in the description of a warm window in Khmelnytsky with an R of more than 0.75, the parameters of the insulating glass unit are clearly indicated. And for the selection of the ideal product, the parameters of the components are selected according to the task. For example, for the old building of the Center, where samples of the so-called brick style are predominantly presented, the task is to preserve the design of the facade.

More than 60% of Khmelnitsky's houses are five-story buildings and up (up to 10 storeys), so the issue of wind load resistance for twin windows important. This figure is affected by the shape and thickness of the reinforcing (steel) profile for PVC profiles and the quality of the installation.

The concept of security can include several aspects. It's also safe from cuts, if glass breaks, from breaking and child. For example, toughened glass is very difficult to break, but if it works out, it breaks up into many round-shaped fragments. Tempered, multilayered and reinforced glass are used to increase the burglar resistance of the window unit in conjunction with a special complete set of fittings. Such a solution may be more efficient than lattices. And for safety of children it is recommended to use window handles with locks.

For apartments with windows facing the busy courtyards or the road, sound insulation will be important. It is increased by means of three sealing circuits and special insulating glass.

To solve the problem of sun protection, you can take advantage of external shading - awnings, outer roller blinds, etc. Curtains only reduce the arrival of sunlight, but do not limit the entry of solar heat into the room.

Mosquito nets will be in demand for housing near reservoirs or parks.

Buying in

To search for window companies and purchase a plastic window, you can use the OKNA catalog. ua. The platform has been working since 1999 and gathered the largest database of window companies in Ukraine.

One of the advantages of the catalog is the opportunity to get acquainted with several companies in one place and receive offers from different manufacturers. However, when choosing a window Khmelnitsky, the minimum price should not be put at the top of the choice, since the designs with the lowest price may not have the characteristics necessary for the Khmelnytsky region.

To reduce the cost of the order, you can get acquainted with the shares and special offers from companies or take part in programs to improve energy efficiency of housing.

Energy efficiency programs

As in the whole country, Khmelnytsky region has a government program "Warm credits" and a program from EB P «IQ Energy», which compensate for part of the loan, taken for the purchase of efficient materials. The participants of the state program are reinsured and provide compensation directly to the windows, and the program "IQ Energy" more clearly states that it is possible to compensate for the purchase of windows in Khmelnitsky and the slopes, window sills, tides and installation materials.

Also, until 2020 year, there is a local program for multi-family residential buildings in the city, which is interesting for neighborhoods with typical buildings, for example, South-Western, Grecean or Dubovo. It involves the division of costs for thermomodernization between residents and the city. 50% of the cost of insulation or replacement of windows, doors, residents are paid, and the rest - the city. If the condominium is created in the house, 70% falls on the city budget, and 30% on the residents.

It should be noted that new buildings that are put into operation must meet the requirements of heat transfer resistance, according to DBN. Platform