
Пластиковые окна в Днепре по доступной цене

Большой выбор компаний поставщиков и производителей окон на

Burglar resistance
Crack resistant
Каталог компаний
  1. Dnipro
    Днепропетровск - Вікна Експрес Vikna EkspresPremium Company logo Vikna Ekspres
    Want to buy a plastic, wooden or aluminum window or glazed balcony? Windows and balconies from the ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  2. Dnipro
    Мы занимаемся изготовлением, продажей, установкой металлопластиковых и алюминиевых окон (участие в ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  3. Dnipro
    Alekseenko Y.A.
    Понад 15 років досвіду дозволили нам глибоко вивчити потреби ринку та запропонувати кращі рішення у ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
    Roof windows
  4. Dnipro
    Предлагаем вам металлопластиковые окна из профильных систем aluplast и WDS с использование ф-ры ...
    Plastic windows
  5. Dnipro
    Салон "Окна Двери Master" Металлопластиковые окна и двери компании STEKO. Скидки 30% на все окна. ...
    Plastic windows
  6. Dnipro
    Wintera Trade
    Компания Винтера была создана в 2007 году. За короткий срок мы смогли занять достойное место среди ...
    Plastic windows
  7. Dnipro
    Company "Diakonov" has been working in the market of translucent structures since 2001. Over, more ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  8. Dnipro
    В связи с проведением в стране программы по энергосбережению и внедрению высокоэффективных систем ...
    Plastic windows
  9. Dnipro
    Ми більше 20 років продаємо та монтуємо металопластикові та алюмінієві вікна та двері, ролетні ...
    Plastic windows
  10. Dnipro
    Оконный Бум
    Оконный Бум - это окна и двери на любой вкус и цвет. Мы являемся официальными партнерами ведущих ...
    Plastic windows
  11. Dnipro
    We do not offer you cheap windows! We offer you products that are installed in their homes thrifty ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
    Products Valeriia — 10 items
  12. Dnipro
    Salon Vikna
    Windows and doors made of metal and plastic (PlusTec, VEKA). Windows and entrance doors of ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
    Products Salon Vikna — 10 items
  13. Dnipro
    Firm PE Bortsov in the market of metal-plastic products since 2004. In addition to metal and ...
    Plastic windows
    Products Bortsov — 10 items
  14. Dnipro
    We produce high-quality plastic windows: profile - Aluplast (Germany), WDS (Ukraine). accessories ...
    Plastic windows
  15. Dnipro
    Позитив Строй
    Пропонуємо пвх вікна та двері, віконні жалюзі. Вікна профіль WDS та Вікна Нові
    Plastic windows
  16. Dnipro
    Наша компания уже более 15 лет занимается продажей окон и металлопластиковых конструкций под заказ. ...
    Plastic windows
  17. Dnipro
    Стеклим от форточки до небоскреба расширяем дилерскую сеть! Предприятия организованы ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  18. Dnipro
    The manufacturing plant "NIKS-M" offers to manufacture and install metal-plastic windows, doors, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  19. Dnipro
    Pyrohova I.V.
    Metal-plastic windows, doors, loggias-balconies on a turn-key basis, French balconies, frame ...
    Plastic windows
  20. Dnipro
    Продажа металлопластиковых окон и дверей. Продажа жалюзи, роллет. Продажа бронированных дверей. ...
1 2 3 4 Next

How to choose metal-plastic windows in Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipro)

To choose windows, doors, to choose glass for a balcony or a sliding system, use the catalog for Dnipro (Dnipro) and the region. But before ordering products, familiarize yourself with a number of nuances of choosing pvc windows and doors in this region.

Features of the Dnipropetrovsk region

If you are planning to buy plastic windows in Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipro) attention to a number of features of this region:

  1. The climate zone and the resistance coefficient of the euro-zone heat transfer . Dnepropetrovsk region refers to the first climatic zone, for which the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer of the plastic window should be a minimum of 0.75 m2 * K/W. However, recommends buying window structures with a higher coefficient, because the higher it is, the more energy it will save in winter the selected window.

  2. The brand is not as important as the quality . In Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipro) and the region is concentrated a large number of large manufacturers of window products. In this regard, recommends: if you are planning to buy windows in Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipro), you should still focus not on the high-profile brand name or price, but on the properly selected equipment of the plastic window: really energy-efficient double-glazed window , high-quality profile system (and not just a brand) and fittings. After all, almost all brands have profile systems simpler and with very good thermal characteristics. The complex of these components will provide the necessary result - a quality window that will save heat in the winter and cool the room in the summer, and will serve for many years.

Recommendations from how to buy plastic windows in Dnepropetrovsk

If you are looking for new windows, Dnipropetrovsk and the region will offer many options, as there are a number of factories producing window products that work with popular profile brands in Ukraine, for example: WDS, Rehau, aluplast, KBE, VEKA.

Taking into account the conditions of the first climate eskoy zone, platform recommended purchase plastic windows with double glazing with two panes i-(two energy efficient layer) having a thickness not less than 40 mm , filled with argon and, preferably, applying warm frames. It is with these double-glazed units that plastic structures comply with the norms for energy efficiency in Ukraine, which can easily be checked in the energy calculator .

Given that now there are credit programs for the promotion of warming of buildings (such as the state program of "warm credits", the program for compensation for energy-efficient measures from the EBRD), the translucent structures (SPK) of such a configuration, as mentioned above, fits the terms of the programs and you can buy windows in Dnepropetro sk with a significant percentage of the cost of the compensation (35% and higher in terms of energy efficiency support programs). Also, there are regional and municipal (for the Dnieper) programs to compensate for the part of the cost spent on insulation, in particular, to replace the euro windows with energy-saving ones.

In case the windows look sunny, especially in the West and South- west, consult with the manager of the window company - perhaps it is worth using a multifunctional double-glazed window or outdoor sun protection, which will provide additional protection from the sun in the summer, which will save on air conditioning in the summer. Savings in this case are achieved thanks to a combination of a special sunscreen layer that does not let out the heat of the sun, and i-glass.
If you plan to buy windows, Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipro) and the region can offer products from both the manufacturer and suppliers. The Dnieper River divides the city into two parts and all areas except the Industrial one have an "outlet" to the water, therefore residents of houses located on the banks, whether Novokadatsky, Samara or other areas, should pay attention to the characteristics of wind resistance. When choosing eurowindows it is worth to clarify the nuances of the contract for the product, as well as the conditions for installing the window structure, since the quality of installation largely depends on energy efficiency, comfort and duration of operation. And for dry hot summer with air temperature up to 400C are important characteristics. production catalog allows you to choose not only window constructions, but also balcony glazing, as well as metal-plastic doors (Dnipropetrovsk and Dnipropetrovsk region). Please note that when choosing such designs, it is also necessary to take into account their thermal characteristics and the quality of the components. In the catalog there is an opportunity to know the cost of structures at once. Prices for translucent structures in the Dnieper are about the same as the average for Ukraine. This is due, among other things, to the presence of large producers, whose products are offered throughout the country. Platform