
Купить окна Kherson. Каталог поставщиков ПВХ окон in Kherson

Каталог сайтов и компаний поставщиков и производителей окон ПВХ

Burglar resistance
Crack resistant
Каталог компаний
  1. Kherson
    Окна Херсон Vikna EkspresPremium Company logo Vikna Ekspres
    Want to buy a plastic, wooden or aluminum window or glazed balcony? Windows and balconies from the ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  2. Kherson
    Okna Alyaska
    Алюминиевые, металлопластиковые окна, двери. Раздвижные алюминиевые системы, безрамное остекление. ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  3. Kherson
    Производство, продажа и монтаж металлопластиковых окон и дверей, жалюзи, роллеты, натяжные потолки, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  4. Kherson
    Vikna Magnum (Sanin S. V.)
    Моя компания "Окна Магнум" предлагает услуги по продаже и установке готовых металлопластиковых окон ...
    Plastic windows
  5. Kherson
    Металлопластиковые окна в Херсоне и Херсонской области. Преимущества: - прочность; - ...
    Plastic windows
  6. Kherson
    Processing of PVC profiles REHAU. Manufacturing and installation of windows, doors. Warranty ...
    Plastic windows
  7. Kherson
    Machulka S.A.
    Предприятие работает с 2004 года. Наша основная продукция и услуги: - Металлопластиковые окна, ...
    Plastic windows
  8. Kherson
    Perehudov V.Yu. (salon Ynva)
    In the window market since 2002. - Windows and doors (metal-plastic, aluminum structures and ...
    Plastic windows
  9. Kherson
    Буток О.О.
    Співпраця з промисловими підприємствами, висотні і загально-будівельні роботи. Металопластикові ...
    Plastic windows
  10. Kherson
    ВикноПлюс, официальный салон
    ТМ "Вікно Плюс" предлагает металлопластиковые окна и двери из немецкого профиля VEKA различных ...
    Plastic windows
  11. Kherson
    Компания реализует и устанавливает качественные окна производства завода Виконда. Межкомнатные и ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  12. Kherson
    Предлагаем вашему вниманию качественные металлоплатиковые окна и двери от завода-производителя. ...
    Plastic windows
  13. Kherson
    Компания "СЕНАТ" предлагает окна и двери из металлопластикового профиля. Входные двери. А также мы ...
    Plastic windows
  14. Kherson
    Хандусенко С.М. ЧП Алькор
    Окна, двери, раздвижные системы, раздвижные решетки, стеклянные конструкции, фасады, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  15. Kherson
    Narodni Vikna
    Херсонская фирма «Народні вікна» производит изделия любых геометрических форм из профильных систем ...
    Plastic windows
  16. Kherson
    Металлопластиковые окна, двери. Ворота секционные, распашные, откатные Бесплатная доставка по ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  17. Kherson
    Окна, двери, балконы, офисные перегородки металлопластиковые, аллюминиевые, из закаленного стекла.
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  18. Kherson
    СтеклоПЛАСТ, Херсон StekloPLAST
    Stekloplast. Окна по правилам. С 1997 года.
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  19. Kherson
    Компания "Мастер-Профиль" основана в сентябре 2011 года и за это время завоевала безупречную ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  20. Kherson
    Диденко Ю.А.
    Металлопластиковые окна, двери, балконы. Официальное представительство завода Steko в городе ...
    Plastic windows
1 2 3 Next

Kherson energy-efficient

Most of the houses in Kherson were built during the Soviet era and most of the apartment buildings of the 1950-1970 construction period. Requirements for thermal insulation of houses were low and such houses lose a significant amount of heat in winter through enclosing structures. They require modernization, warming. This is relevant not only for residential areas of Tauris, Steklotary, KhBC, but also for the Center, the Greek suburb with historical buildings.

For example, under the "Urban Heat Supply Reform" project, an energy audit of 10 residential buildings was carried out , that 85-156 kWh/m2 of energy is spent on heating a year, which exceeds the European norms by an average of 4 times (15-45 kWh/m22), and the Ukrainian average 2-3.5 times (DBN В.2.6-31: 2006 "Teplova ізоляція будівель" with the change №1: 48kWh/m2).

Kherson joined the Mayors Agreement, zyav commitments to reduce three times the consumption of thermal energy to the city in 2030. And one of the investment projects will be "Thermo modernization of 821 multi-storey residential building." We are talking about "deep" modernization, including the replacement of Kherson windows:

  • comprehensive modernization of internal heat supply systems and installation of individual heat points;
  • installation of modern radiator systems;
  • installation of windows and balcony blocks
  • warming of the walls of the facade, roof, basement
  • installation of local supply and exhaust ventilation modules


  • 821 houses (5 floors and higher) are involved in the project, and the housing fund of Kherson totals 51.9 thousand houses (data for 2010)
  • the implementation will start in 2020 year and for the first year of work the programs plan to modernize 10 houses;
  • utility tariffs have grown already today.

The city project has its advantages and limitations, therefore active tenants are started other programs.

Programs for improving energy efficiency of housing

Integrated modernization of the house is a major investment with an average payback of five years. And to stimulate the population, state and commercial programs were launched. All of them compensate a part of the money spent on energy-efficient materials, including the purchase of windows in Kherson with energy-saving double-glazed windows:

  1. State program "Warm loans" for private individuals: compensation of 35% of the loan amount.
  2. "Warm credits" for AJOAH and HBC: compensation for 40% of the loan amount.
  3. IQ Energy: a 15% loan with compensation (from July 11, 2017 - 35% ) of the loan amount, if the energy saving reaches 20% or more from the initial level.
  4. The program from the Kherson regional council: compensation of 20% of the amount (but not more than 3 thousand UAH for one loan agreement).

For government programs, there are recommendations on materials that can participate. For example, the list includes not only warm windows, but also window sills, slopes, and materials for installation. However, participants are reinsured and only contract for translucent constructions are submitted for compensation.

As complex reconstruction is a serious investment, and it is often divided into steps. The first to change the windows because of the ratio of enclosed funds / effect (sometimes investments can pay off for the heating season). Only energy-efficient windows participate in the program.

Requirements for windows

For example, a document from the Kherson regional council indicates that you can get compensation for buying a light-colored construction with a double-glazed double-glazed window with an energy-saving coating. The current DBN B.2.6-31: 2006, according to which the value of the resistance of the heat transfer of the window unit should not be less than 0.6m2·K/W (second temperature zone).

The value of R=0.6 exceeds the metal-plastic windows of Kherson with a width of PVC profile 60 mm and a double-glazed double-glazed window with two i-glasses. However, technology is constantly evolving and focusing on minimum requirements is unprofitable. For example, in Bulgaria, which is to the south, the minimum resistance value is assumed at the level R = 0.71m2·K/W, and by 2020 they want to double the figure to 1.67m2·K/W, and in Slovakia the minimum norm is R=1. recommends changing window units to structures with a heat transfer resistance of 0.9-1.0m2·K/W, the production of which is already widespread in the country.

Features of modern translucent structures

The climate features and market conditions have made thermal insulation properties of the window a priority, Other advantages are:

  • good appearance
  • ease of care
  • long life
  • security;
  • soundproofing.

In different situations, these properties can become no less important during operation. For example, in the reconstruction of historical buildings it is important to preserve the design of the facade. Therefore, providing a modern level of thermal insulation of the building still take into account the appearance of the original windows. Especially for the first floors, safety is important, which is enhanced with the help of a special complete set of safe fittings and double-glazed windows with triplex or tempered glass. The sound insulation is affected by the sealing contours and the thickness of the glass in the insulating glass unit. Additional comfort is created with the help of curtains. Mosquito nets become actual near the ponds, and marquises and other external sun protection helps not to overheat the rooms facing the south side and especially the western side. Additional comfort, especially for the southern regions, is provided by multifunctional glasses, which work almost as well as energy saving in winter, but also reduce overheating from direct sunlight in summer.

Of course, the special windows of Kherson will be higher in comparison with the basic equipment.

Where to buy plastic windows

To search for a company and buy window products, you can use the catalog of the platform, which has been working since 1999.

and window salons with contacts, a description of their activities and features. One of the advantages of the catalog is the opportunity to receive offers from different companies in one place. After all, the platform has collected the most complete database of window companies in Ukraine. does not recommend choosing designs, focusing only on the minimum cost. Window units with a minimum price may not have the necessary characteristics for use in the southern region. Platform