
Windows, vinyl windows, uPVC windows, wooden windows, aluminium windows

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Каталог компаний
  1. Vikna EkspresPremium Company logo Vikna Ekspres
    Want to buy a plastic, wooden or aluminum window or glazed balcony? Windows and balconies from the ...
    Representative offices:
    Kyiv — Окна Киев
    Dnipro — Днепропетровск - Вікна Експрес
    Kharkiv — Окна Харьков
    Odesa — Окна Одесса
    Full list of representative offices — 50 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  2. WELARUMOptim Company logo WELARUM
    Металлопластиковые окна REHAU по цене от производителя! WELARUM – Авторизованный Торговый ...
    Representative offices:
    Bila Tserkva — WELARUM
    Brovary — WELARUM
    Irpin — WELARUM
    Bucha — WELARUM
    Full list of representative offices — 20 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Roof windows
    Products WELARUM — 22 items
  3. Viknar’offOptim Company logo Viknar’off
    The company Viknar’off is one of the largest manufacturer of metal-plastic constructions in ...
    Plastic windows
  4. 4 etazh, TMOptim Company logo 4 etazh, TM
    Sales and Installation of Windows, Balconies, and Doors Our company specializes in the sale and ...
    Representative offices:
    Irpin — Пластиковые окна Ирпень. - ТМ `4 этаж`.
    Boryspil — Пластиковые окна Борисполь. - ТМ `4 этаж`.
    Boiarka — Пластиковые окна Боярка. - ТМ `4 этаж`.
    Brovary — Пластиковые окна Бровары. - ТМ `4 этаж`
    Full list of representative offices — 20 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Products 4 etazh, TM — 30 items
  5. Vіkna-Star, TMProf Company logo Vіkna-Star, TM
    High-quality plastic windows and balconies from the profiles of the German concern Veka, Winkhaus ...
    Representative offices:
    Brovary — Викна-Стар-Бровары
    Vyshhorod — Викна-Стар-Вышгород
    Vyshneve — Викна-Стар-Вишневое
    Bucha — Викна-Стар-Буча
    Full list of representative offices — 5 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  6. Ukraina PlastProf Company logo Ukraina Plast
    The company has been actively engaged in glazing of residential buildings, apartments, cottages, ...
    Representative offices:
    Vyshhorod — Украина Пласт окна, балконы Вышгород
    Hlevakha — Окна и балконы Глеваха от `Украина Пласт`
    Bila Tserkva — Украина Пласт. Окна Белая Церковь.
    Obukhiv — Украина Пласт. Окна Обухов.
    Full list of representative offices — 10 representative offices
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  7. Balkon - DesignProf Company logo Balkon - Design
    ☎️ 067 251 09 05 Сompany "Balcony Design", part of the chain of companies IC "Comfort", has ...
    Representative offices:
    Brovary — Okna-Shop сеть Комфорт
    Irpin — Comfort-House
    Vyshneve — Comfort-House
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  8. INTRUSTProf Company logo INTRUST
    Our company has been working since 1999. Main types of products: Metal-plastic windows and doors. ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products INTRUST — 1 item
  9. ZENIT COProf Company logo ZENIT CO
    ООО “ЗЕНИТ КО” разрабатывает, производит и реализует следующие виды систем: - алюминиевые профили ...
    Representative office:
    Kyiv — Zenit Co
    Aluminium windows
    Products ZENIT CO — 15 items
  10. OPENProf Company logo OPEN
    The company "OPEN" occupies strong positions on the window and door market of the city of Nikolaev ...
    Representative offices:
    Kyiv — OPEN - Балконы, двери, окна, фурнитура, жалюзи
    Lviv — OPEN - Балконы, двери, окна, фурнитура, жалюзи
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products OPEN — 19 items
  11. Dom.OknaStart Company logo Dom.Okna
    Компания "Дом.Окна" производит окна и двери из профилей компаний Salamander и Viknaland. Оказываем ...
    Plastic windows
  12. SIRIUSStart Company logo SIRIUS
    In the manufacture of translucent structures, windows and doors from aluminum profiles, the ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products SIRIUS — 11 items
  13. Steko, dylerStart Company logo Steko, dyler
    The firm "Steko Nikolaev" is a team of professionals who will help you to solve any questions of ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products Steko, dyler — 50 items
  14. MODERN-2001Start Company logo MODERN-2001
    Good afternoon, dear Customer! For seventeen years of work in the Kyiv window market, our ...
    Plastic windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  15. Konstrukt-ALStart Company logo Konstrukt-AL
    Работники нашей компании - это одна большая семья. Большинство сотрудников работает с нами с начала ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
    Компанія ІНТЕР ФАСАД БУД професійно займається виробництвом та монтажем: - алюмінієвих конструкцій ...
    Plastic windows
  17. Рейзнер Є.О.
    ✅ Продаж та встановлення металопластикових вікон ✅ Виготовлення під замовлення ✅ Безкоштовний ...
    Plastic windows
  18. Vikontse Kamyanske
    Окошко - Оконные технологии Каменского - предлагает вам широкую линейку профильных систем. Профили ...
    Plastic windows
  19. Виндоу-Пласт
    У нас можно купить: - входная дверь для улицы и квартиры; - межкомнатная дверь с экологически ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  20. WDT (Vikonno-Dverni Tekhnolohii)
    Plastic windows aluplast, Rehau, KBE, Kommerling, OSNOVA, glazing of balconies. Doors, office ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  21. MasterPlast
    The company "Master Plast" 11 years in the market of metal-plastic windows. We will install the ...
    Plastic windows
  22. Dementyy V.N.
    Authorized partner of REHAU. Production of metal-plastic structures in Zaporozhye (Khortitsky ...
    Plastic windows
  23. Viktoria-Group plus
    Производственный комплекс Торгового Дома "Viktoria-Group plus" ( ) ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  24. OLANA, TH
    Единственный в регионе прямой представитель завода `Вікна Корса` (Rehau) - лучшие цена/качество. На ...
    Plastic windows
  25. Фабрика качественных окон Скалько
    ▪ Год основания: 2007г. ▪ Форма собственности: Фабрика качественных окон «Скалько», ООО. ▪ ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Roof windows
  26. Krystall-L
    Мы занимаемся изготовлением, продажей, установкой металлопластиковых и алюминиевых окон (участие в ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  27. Vikna Style Trading
    The company "Vikna Style Trading" is one of the largest manufacturers of metal-plastic structures ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  28. VELUX Ukraine
    ООО ВЕЛЮКС Украина - поставщик мансардных окон, солнцезащитных аксессуаров и комплектующих всемирно ...
    Plastic windows
    The company "MaksiBud Engineering" (LLC "Eurofasad") was founded in 2002. The company specializes ...
    Aluminium windows
  30. Vikontse
    Фирма "Виконце" предлагает металлопластиковые окна и двери из профильных систем Veka, Rehau, WDS, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Products Vikontse — 3 items
  31. Arakelyan
    Каждому клиенту поможем подобрать металлопластиковые окна. Наши варианты профильных систем: ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  32. Vikna TOP
    By choosing TOP Windows, you will receive high-quality, convenient and safe to use window blinds ...
    Plastic windows
    Products Vikna TOP — 2 items
  33. Vikna Servis KR
    Продукция ООО "Вікна Сервіс КР": 1. Металлопластиковые изделия из профиля REHAU, VEKA, WDS, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
  34. Ukrayinskyy Standart
    Ukrainian Standard delivers plastic windows REHAU, VEKA, aluplast, Winbau, Tepla, LG, Schuco, ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  35. Teplovind
    Пропонуємо вікна, двері, балкони, лоджії як з українських (WDS, Steko), так і з німецьких (КВЕ, ...
    Plastic windows
  36. Рудчик В. Л.
    Designing, manufacturing, installation, service of metal-plastic structures from profile systems: ...
    Plastic windows
  37. RAMO
    ТОВ "Рамо" працює на ринку металопластикових конструкцій з 2004 року, у нас Ви можете придбати ...
    Plastic windows
  38. Ніксон
    The company has been working in the market of Ukraine since 2001. We produce glass doors, glass ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
  39. Alekseenko Y.A.
    Понад 15 років досвіду дозволили нам глибоко вивчити потреби ринку та запропонувати кращі рішення у ...
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
    Roof windows
  40. Narodni vikna TM
    aliminium windows and doors, pvc, wood, fences, garage doors, automatic doors geze
    Plastic windows
    Aluminium windows
    Wooden windows
    Wooden-aluminium windows
1 2 3 4 Next

Modern windows

The basic task of any window is to let natural light through into the room. Modern technologies provide additional characteristics including energy saving, protection from noise and burglars. Hence, windows differ in price. Unfortunately, many customers are still guided primarily by price, which might result in opting for products of poor quality. Therefore, the platform does not recommend choosing windows basing only on one criterion, which is the minimal price. It is often not reliable enough. Such window might not be able to serve neither 30 years, nor even the shortest warranty period for windows, which is 3 years.

Advantages of new windows

New products in contrast to Soviet-era goods solve the problem of drafts and are simpler to take care of. They can be airtight and better keep heat inside the room. Also, you can order products with other important features:

  • improved thermal insulation and burglar resistance by means of special fittings,
  • child safety,
  • increased protection from noise and sunlight.

However, you need to be prepared that the price of the window is going to change compared to the basic model.

To improve child safety and burglar resistance, we recommend using a lock on the window handle in combination with burglar-resistant accessories. The lock blocks the sash and does not let children open it, and the accessories prevent criminals from pushing the sash out. Certain modifications of the handles are provided with the option of slight opening of the window intended to let air change called 'child mode'.

The noise protection of the window is basically provided by the double glazing and sealants, whereas sun protection is provided by external shutters, vertical blinds or special multi-functional double-glazed windows. Curtains or internal blinds are barely effective for protection from sunlight, since they let sun heat the room. Their task is to reduce volume of natural light. Curtains also protect the premises from heat generated by sun rays only to a certain extent.

Rise of room temperature in winter after replacement of windows

Energy saving windows make rooms warmer, customers admit. For instance, let us draw the reliable data from the report of the secondary school in the city of Dnipro, provided by the Program of social partnership. The school replaced the old windows with double-glazed plastic windows and two i-glasses, and temperature in the classroom grew by 2-4°C (to 18-21°C).

Energy efficiency

Eurowindows are demanded at the Ukrainian market due to their energy efficiency. Local climatic conditions, growing heating tariffs and market requirements, - such as rising standards for thermal insulation, also contribute to the matter. The need to insulate homes is becoming more acute, and often the insulation begins with replacement of transparent structures. This is the first important step in the thermal insulation of the building. Next, its walls, roof and footing are insulated.

State program of 'warm loans'

The state program of energy efficiency helps to reduce expenses for purchase of energy-efficient solutions. The state partially reimburse the loans for the purchase of energy-efficient materials for individuals (35% of the total amount of the loan), the association of co-owners of an apartment building and the housing construction co-operative (40% of the total amount of the loan).

Participants of the program follow five steps:

  • 1. Contact the authorized bank and provide the necessary documents. The list is determined by the bank, but if you are awarded with a subsidy, a copy of the supporting document will be required.
  • 2. Receive a loan.
  • 3. Confirm that the money was used for the intended purpose. Present a billing invoice for the sale of windows, an act of completed works etc.
  • 4. The Bank submits the registers of borrowers to the State energy efficiency agency (on the monthly basis).
  • 5. The State energy efficiency agency transfers money to a bank account.

The State agency on energy saving and energy efficiency of Ukraine declares that the process of reimbursement takes up to two months.

Service life

The service life of European windows is determined by durability of the components. The service life can reach 30 years. There are already cases when German plastic windows have served over 40 years. They still perform their functions, but they are outmoded, because the market has produced more energy efficient and convenient solutions. Progress never stops.

The minimal admissible service life duration is indicated by the manufacturer in the warranty. The warranty is added to the contract. This is one more reason to conclude the contract with the vendor. The contract obliges the manufacturer to eliminate any malfunction arising due to its fault for free during the warranty period. Improper application of the product is not covered by the warranty.

Make sure the contract is concluded for the production and installation of structures, it indicates delivery terms and warranty for the product itself and its installation. The sale of window sills, slopes, mosquito net, gratings, etc. is indicated separately.

If the manufacturer indicates that its window or door units meet the requirements of the national standard DSTU B В.2.6-23: 2009 ’Window and door units. General technical conditions’, then the warranty period for the finished windows should exceed 5 years. Or 3 years in case they correspond to DSTU B В.2.6-15: 2011 ’PVC window and door units. General technical conditions’.

If the warranty is not explicitly stated in the contract, then, according to the Law of Ukraine "On protection of consumer rights", it is valid for at least 2 years from the date of purchase.

Companies catalogue at

To select a company, it is convenient to use the catalogue of the portal. On the one hand, the catalogue presents the most comprehensive database of enterprises from all over Ukraine, which makes some 8,500 companies. It provides all the necessary information on the market players in any specific city or town. On the other hand, additional search options (type etc.) can narrow down the search results.

Visitors are provided with simple and convenient process of windows selection and purchase, because is the catalogue with the largest number of offers from Ukrainian manufacturers. has been operating since 1999, and remains the leading Internet portal at the Ukrainian window market. Platform