Suggestions Can Be Submitted for the Accessibility Action Plan for 2025-2026

Suggestions Can Be Submitted for the Accessibility Action Plan for 2025-2026

The Ministry of Infrastructure is working on developing the Accessibility Action Plan for 2025-2026. Everyone has the opportunity to submit their suggestions and ideas, which will be reviewed by experts.

The work on the Plan is being conducted in six thematic groups: physical, economic, educational, social and civic, digital, and informational accessibility. Over 250 experts from various fields are involved in the process, including representatives from government, public organizations, and businesses.

You can participate in the work on the Plan and submit your suggestions or ideas for improving physical accessibility. To do this, you need to fill out the form at the following link:↗️ The deadline for submitting proposals is September 30th, 18:00.

Mobile accessibility is not just about improving conditions for people with limited mobility and disabilities; it also provides comfortable conditions for the elderly, children, and parents with young children.

Read also: Earlier, the Ministry of Infrastructure launched an information campaign on mobile accessibility.
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