German film manufacturer offers products that make the glass visible to birds
Photo: Haverkamp
The film with an individual design

German film manufacturer offers products that make the glass visible to birds

The proportion of glass in buildings is increasing worldwide. This makes the problem of bird collisions with glass surfaces more significant, as birds do not perceive glass as an obstacle. The German Association for the Protection of Biodiversity estimates that 100 million birds die every year in Germany because of collisions with glass surfaces.

To solve this problem, for example, glass manufacturers produce bird-friendly glass. And the German company Haverkamp has offered a special film that can be glued to already installed windows.

The HAVERKAMP birdsafe film is translucent and has a special pattern. It applies on the outside of the insulating glass unit.
To increase the attractiveness of the film, Haverkamp claims to can apply individual designs and sun protection.

The film was tested in a wind tunnel. During 90 test flights, each involving 90 birds of different species, 97% of the birds were able to recognise and fly around the test panel covered with HAVERKAMP birdsafe film in time.
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